Republic of Mali

IFAD Asset Request Portlet




Projects يتضمن المشاريع المخطط لها والجارية والمنتهية

US$ 843.32 million

Total Project Cost

US$ 364.78 million

Total IFAD financing


Households impacted

The Context

Mali is a landlocked country in the Sahel in West Africa. Almost half the population is under 15 years old and over four in ten people live below the monetary poverty line, with much of this concentrated in rural areas. 

The economy is supported by the production of cereals and cotton, as well as extractive activities, such as gold and lithium. Despite a slight trend towards economic growth, several crises, including COVID-19, inflation and instability, have deteriorated Mali's financial situation and led to an increase in poverty over the past decade.

Mali is one of the most fragile states in the world with an unpredictable security situation in the northern and central regions. In 2018, almost one third of Mali’s population lived in areas affected by conflict where basic services are lacking.

Each year, approximately 300,000 young people enter a labour market that lacks employment opportunities. Rural youth, most of whom are poorly trained, are faced with unemployment and are driven to emigrate or to join terrorist or criminal groups.

Remittances are an important source of resilience for households and make up 6 per cent of Mali’s GDP. Over US$1 billion in remittances were sent to Mali in 2021 alone.

The Strategy

IFAD’s activities in Mali aim to enhance food and security, employment and incomes through:

  • high performing, climate-resilient agricultural systems and nutrition-sensitive value chains; 
  • market access for smallholder producers, with a focus on youth and women.


Country Facts

Country documents

Related Assets

Republic of Mali Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2020-2024 Type: Country Strategic Opportunities Programme
Region: West and Central Africa

Country Experts

Projects and Programmes

Projects Browser

PLANNED Under design after concept note approval

APPROVED Approved by the Executive Board or IFAD President

SIGNED Financing agreements signed

ONGOING Under implementation

CLOSED Completed/closed projects

No matching projects were found
No matching projects were found
No matching projects were found

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