منشورات حول مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بتغير المناخ COP26

قراءة أساسية حول المناخ والبيئة لمؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بتغير المناخ COP26

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Adaptation and resilience

Adaptation and resilience

ASAP Technical Series: Building climate resilience in the Asia Pacific region

نوفمبر 2021

This study examines six projects, in three principal ecosystems of the region: a mountainous region, wetlands and a river delta.

Adaptation Framework Tool

يناير 2021

The Adaptation Framework is a repository of adaptation actions for small-scale agriculture, including livestock, forestry, and fisheries. It provides an approach for incorporating adaptation practices into project design.

Transitioning shifting cultivation to resilient farming systems in South and Southeast Asia

يوليو 2021

This resource book and policy briefs provide an overview of the impacts on food availability, ecosystem services and security of tenure in the shift to settled agricultural systems.

The West and Central Africa Advantage: Fighting fragility for smallholder resilience

نوفمبر 2019

A new report from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) shows that by working with women, men, young people and indigenous peoples as change agents we are best placed to beat back the impact of climate change on rural communities in West and Central Africa (WCA).

The Latin America and Caribbean Advantage: Family farming – a critical success factor for resilient food security and nutrition

ديسمبر 2019
Development projects that integrate investments in rural indigenous people, youth and women with measures to adapt to climate change are more likely to be successful in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a new report launched today by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Research Series Issue 64: How the adoption of drought-tolerant rice varieties impacts households in a non-drought year: Evidence from Nepal

ديسمبر 2020

Stress-tolerant rice varieties (STRVs) are bred to be high yielding and tolerant to climate shocks such as drought. 

Technologies for Climate-Resilient Smallholder Agriculture: Sharing practices from Brazil with Africa

نوفمبر 2019

Brazil and Africa share similar environmental, climate and social conditions, and both face similar development challenges. This creates interesting opportunities for South-South collaboration through technology transfer in several areas, including agriculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and value chains development.

Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains: The role of climate-resilient infrastructures for SMEs

فبراير 2020

This study reviews evidence on initiatives that invest in climate-resilient infrastructure to support smallholder farmer organizations and agribusinesses in the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) category and, ultimately, to foster inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chains. Case studies from the BRACED and ASAP programmes across sub-Saharan Africa are presented.

Impact assessment: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP)

أبريل 2019
Farmers in southwestern Bangladesh, an area prone to natural disasters, are sometimes unable to reach community markets in the monsoon season. 

أداة تقييم التكيف مع التغير المناخي في التنمية الريفية

مارس 2019
إن أداة تقييم التكيف مع التغير المناخي في التنمية الريفية هي عبارة عن منصة لاستكشاف آثار تغير المناخ على غلة المحاصيل الرئيسية 

What is the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)?

What is the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)?

Climate change and small-scale farming: The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)

أكتوبر 2020

IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) is the largest multi-donor global fund specifically dedicated to enabling smallholder farmers to adapt and build their resilience to climate change.

The enhanced Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP+)

فبراير 2023

This brochure provides an overview of ASAP+, which is expected to be the largest fund dedicated to channelling climate finance to small-scale producers.

Climate finance

Climate finance

Climate Action Report 2020

نوفمبر 2021

This third edition of the IFAD Climate Action Report (CAR) describes the efforts that IFAD has made during the year to integrate climate change into every aspect of its plans and operations. 

Leveraging Policy Tools to Improve Impact of Financial Instruments in Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

نوفمبر 2021

This brief illustrates effective instruments that overcome barriers to investments and leverage existing policy tools and instruments to address sustainable financing in the AFOLU sector.

Climate Action Report 2019

ديسمبر 2019

The Climate Action Report 2019 provides an overview of IFAD’s work on climate change and reports on progress, challenges and achievements.

An outlook on Asia’s agricultural and rural transformation: Prospects and options for making it an inclusive and sustainable one

يونيو 2019

If the success of Asian countries in transforming their rural economy is measured by the extent to which poverty has declined over the past 20 years, there is no question that their transformation can be regarded as one of the major achievements in human history. However, new problems are overtaking the older ones and Asia is now entering a critical part of its history. 

فحص فجوة التمويل المناخي للزراعة الصغيرة

نوفمبر 2020

في عالم سريع التغير، تظل الزراعة هي قلب التنمية المستدامة. إن المخاطر التي يواجهها العالم في العقد الأخير المتبقي لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة كثيرة، لكن الفرص عديدة بنفس القدر.

Biodiversity and natural resource management

Biodiversity and natural resource management

سلسلة ASAP الفنية: الحلول القائمة على الطبيعة

أكتوبر 2021

تعرض هذه الورقة النتائج الرئيسية والدروس المستفادة من الحلول المستقاة من الطبيعة ، ولا سيما من حافظة برنامج التكيف لصالح زراعة أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة (ASAP) في الصندوق ، لإلهام البرامج المستقبلية للوصول إلى نطاق أكبر في دعم التحول الريفي الشامل

تقرير ميزة التنوع البيولوجي - الازدهار مع الطبيعة: التنوع البيولوجي من أجل سبل عيش ونظم غذائية مستدامة

أكتوبر 2021

يعرض تقرير الصندوق الثاني عن ميزة التنوع البيولوجي خمسة مشروعات للصندوق تسلط الضوء على الأهمية الأساسية للتنوع البيولوجي في الزراعة.

Climate change risk assessments

Climate change risk assessments

What can smallholder farmers grow in a warmer world? Climate change and future crop suitability in East and Southern Africa

أكتوبر 2021

With funding from ASAP2, eight Climate Risk Analysis reports were produced by the University of Cape Town, covering Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

CACHET - Climate and Commodity Hedging to Enable Transformation

نوفمبر 2018
The Climate and Commodity Hedging to Enable Transformation (CACHET) initiative supports smallholder farmers against price and climate volatility negatively affecting their revenues.

How to do note: Climate change risk assessments in value chain projects

سبتمبر 2015
​This HTDN is directed primarily at the design phase of IFAD value chain projects, though it does have some relevance for both pre-design and implementation phases.

Climate and youth

Climate and youth

ميزة الشباب: إشراك الشباب في النمو الأخضر

نوفمبر 2018

سيُشكِّل الشباب في عام 2030 حوالي 15 في المائة من سكان العالم، وستبلغ نسبة شباب الريف 6 في المائة تقريباً. ومن المتوقع أن تشهد بعض الأقاليم ”طفرة شبابية“ أو زيادة كبيرة في عدد الشباب.

Research Series Issue 49: Climate and jobs for rural young people

ديسمبر 2019

Climate change matters for all young people, especially for those whose livelihoods depend on agriculture. This study shows that adaptation to climate change is feasible and options increase as new technologies and management approaches come on-stream. 

Climate and nutrition

Climate and nutrition

The Nutrition Advantage: Harnessing nutrition co-benefits of climate-resilient agriculture

سبتمبر 2017

Climate change and malnutrition are among the greatest problems in the twentyfirst century; they are “wicked problems”, difficult to describe, with multiple causes, and no single solution.

دعم الزراعة الحساسة للتغذية من خلال الأنواع المهملة وغير المستغلة: الإطار التشغيلي

أغسطس 2019
التنوع الحيوي الزراعي هو مورد يدعم الرفاهية البشرية والبيئية. دعم الصندوق لتحسين استخدام التنوع البيولوجي الزراعي مع الإشارة بشكل خاص إلى الأنواع المهملة وغير المستغلة بشكل كاف.

Climate and gender

Climate and gender

How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

يناير 2018
This How to Do Note (HTDN) is intended to provide guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. This includes recognizing that programme interventions – from design to staffing to capacity development of beneficiaries and local organizations – need to consider how gender will affect sustainability and impact. The experiences, social positions and differing access to resources of marginalized populations are fundamental considerations in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes.

Climate and livestock

Climate and livestock

The small livestock advantage: A sustainable entry point for addressing SDGs in rural areas

يناير 2021

This report presents selected achievements and lessons learned from the growing portfolio of small livestock investments supported by IFAD. 

Pasture condition maps in Kyrgyzstan

يوليو 2021

This technical note presents a study that compared the average pasture conditions of the periods of 2000–2004 and 2016–2020 in Kyrgyzstan using remote sensing imagery.

Technical note: Low carbon livestock development in Kyrgyzstan

يوليو 2021

This report presents the potential impact of the planned IFAD-funded Regional Resilient Pastoral Communities Project on greenhouse gas emissions, both in terms of the overall impact of the project, and as a possible input to the update of Kyrgyzstan’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

اللغات الإضافية: English, Spanish, Russian

Land tenure and security

Land tenure and security

How to do note: Securing Women’s Tenure Rights

سبتمبر 2021

The HtDN complements the IFAD toolkits on Poverty targeting, gender equality and empowerment and the Land Tenure Toolkit.

ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي: أصل محفز للتحول الريفي المستدام والشامل

يوليو 2020
تقدم ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي لمحة عامة عن مشاركة الصندوق في تأمين حيازة الأراضي لفقراء الريف.

How to do note: Access to land for rural youth employment and entrepreneurship

أبريل 2021

This How-to-do Note on access to land for rural youth employment and entrepreneurship complements the Toolkit on land tenure in IFAD-financed operations that highlights the importance of strengthening tenure security for rural development.



Research Series Issue 35: Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments An ex ante analysis

مارس 2019

This study estimates the mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD’s current investments in order to provide guidance for the design of future investments. 

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