الوثائق المؤسساتية

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تصفح وثائق السياسات, المالية, والشؤون القانونية



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نتائج البحث

President's report - 2004

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Areas Economic Development Programme

البلد: أرمينيا
President's report - Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme

Agricultural Development: Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme

البلد: نيبال
President's report - Agricultural Revival Programme in Equateur Province (PRAPE)

Rural Development: Agricultural Revival Programme in Equateur Province

President's report - Transitional Programme of Post-Conflict Reconstruction (PTRPC)

Rural Development: Transitional Programme of Post Conflict Reconstruction

البلد: بوروندي
Consolidated financial statements 2003 نوع: وثيقة مالية, القوائم المالية
Regional Strategy for Rural Finance - Western and Southern Africa نوع: وثيقة إقليمية وقطرية, السياسات والاستراتيجيات, إستراتيجية
منطقة: أفريقيا الوسطى والجنوبية
IFAD Policy on rural enterprise العلامات: التمويل الريفي
نوع: السياسات والاستراتيجيات, السياسة
President's report - Roots and Tubers Market-Driven Development Programme (PNDRT)

Rural Development: Roots and Tubers Market-Driven Development Programme

البلد: الكاميرون
President's report - Aquaculture Development Project

Rural Development: Smallholder Agricultural Improvement Project

البلد: بنغلاديش
President's report - Kanem Rural Development Project

Rural Development: Kanem Rural Development Project

البلد: تشاد
President's report - Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project ? Phase II (PPPMER II)

Rural Development: Rural Small and Microenterprise Promotion Project - Phase II

البلد: رواندا
President's report - Pastoral Community Development Project

Rural Development: Pastoral Community Development Project

البلد: إثيوبيا
President's report - Rural Enterprises Project- Phase II

Research/Extension/Training: Rural Enterprises Project - Phase II

البلد: غانا
President's report - National Rural Development Programme Central and Eastern Regions

Rural Development: National Rural Development Programme Phase I: the Western Region

البلد: غواتيمالا
President's report - Projet d'appui au développement rural de Basse Guinée Nord

Rural Development: Support to Rural Development in North Lower Guinea Project

البلد: غينيا
President's report - Livelihoods Improvement Project in the Himalayas

Credit and Financial Services: Livelihoods Improvement Project in the Himalayas

البلد: الهند
President's report - Southern Nyanza Community Development Project

Rural Development: Southern Nyanza Community Development Project

البلد: كينيا
President's report - Livestock and Rangelands Development Project in the Eastern Region - Phase II

Livestock: Livestock and Rangelands Development Project in the Eastern Region - Phase II

البلد: المغرب
President's report - Livestock and Pasture Development Project in the Eastern Region

Livestock: Livestock and Pasture Development Project in the Eastern Region

البلد: المغرب
President's report - Agricultural Revitalisation Project

Credit and Financial Services: Agricultural Revitalization Project

البلد: مولدوفا
President's report - Programme for the Economic Development of the Dry Region in Nicaragua

Rural Development: Programme for the Economic Development of the Dry Region in Nicaragua

البلد: نيكاراغوا
President's report - Community Development Programme

Rural Development: Community Development Programme

البلد: باكستان
President's report - Projet de développement agricole de Matam - phase II

Rural Development: Agricultural Development Project in Matam - Phase II

البلد: السنغال
President's report - Projet de développement agricole de Matam - phase II

Rural Development: Village Organization and Management Project - Phase II

البلد: السنغال
President's report - Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project

Agricultural Development: Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project

البلد: السودان
President's report - Rural Financial Services Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Financial Services Programme

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Agricultural and Environmental Management Project

Agricultural Development: Agricultural and Environmental Management Project

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Mara Region Farmer's Initiative Project

Agricultural Development: Mara Region Farmers' Initiative Project

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Southern Highlands Extension and Rural Financial Services Project

Research/Extension/Training: Southern Highlands Extension and Rural Financial Services Project

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Smallholder Development Project for Marginal Areas

Irrigation: Smallholder Development Project for Marginal Areas

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Smallholder Support Project in Zanzibar

Agricultural Development: Smallholder Support Project in Zanzibar

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Southern Highlands Smallholder Food Crop Project

Programme Loan: Southern Highlands Smallholder Food Crop Project

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Mwanza/Shinyanga Rural Development Project

Rural Development: Mwanza/Shinyanga Rural Development Project

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Sivas-Erzincan Development Project

Rural Development: Sivas-Erzincan Development Project

البلد: تركيا
President's report - Support Project for Small Producers in the Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States

Agricultural Development: Support Project for Small Producers in the Semi-arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States

البلد: فنزويلا (جمهورية - البوليفارية)
President's report - 2003

Rural Development: Oasis Sustainable Development Programme

البلد: موريتانيا
President's report - Rural Development Project for Mountain Zones in the North of the Wilaya of M'Sila

Agricultural Development: Rural Development Project for the Mountain Zones in the North of the Wilaya of M'Sila

البلد: الجزائر
President's report - Rural Finance Support Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Finance Support Programme

البلد: موزامبيق
President's report - Rehabilitation and Community-based Poverty Reduction Project

Rural Development: Rehabilitation and Community-Based Poverty Reduction Project

البلد: سيراليون
President's report - Rural Income Promotion Programme

Rural Development: Rural Income Promotion Programme

البلد: مدغشقر
President's report - Northern Region Poverty-Reduction Programme

Rural Development: Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme

البلد: غانا
President's report - Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng

Rural Development: Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng

البلد: كمبوديا
President's report - Proyecto de fortalecimiento del Programa Nacional de Microcuencas

Agricultural Development: Strengthening Project for the National Micro-watershed Programme

البلد: المكسيك
Consolidated Financial Statements 2002 نوع: وثيقة مالية, القوائم المالية
غينا بيساو: وثيقة الفرص الاستراتيجية القطرية 2003

نوع: برنامج الفرص الستراتيجية القطرية
منطقة: أفريقيا الوسطى والجنوبية
البلد: غينيا-بيساو
President's report - Rehabilitation and Development Project in Gaza and the West Bank

Credit and Financial Services: Rehabilitation and Development Project - Phase II

البلد: فلسطين
President's report - Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project (PDCRE)

Marketing/Storage/Processing: Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project

البلد: رواندا
President's report - Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project

Agricultural Development: Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project

البلد: جيبوتي
President's report - Smallholder Livestock Development Project

Livestock: Smallholder Livestock Development Project

البلد: بنغلاديش
President's report - Community Development Support Project (PADC)

Rural Development: Community Development Support Project

البلد: الكاميرون
President's report - Environment Conservation and Poverty-Reduction Programme in Ningxia and Shanxi

Agricultural Development: Environment Conservation and Poverty-Reduction Programme in Ningxia and Shanxi

البلد: الصين
President's report - West Noubaria Rural Development Project

Settlement: West Noubaria Rural Development Project

البلد: مصر
President's report - Gash Barka Livestock and Agricultural Development

Agricultural Development: Gash Barka Livestock and Agricultural Development Project

البلد: إريتريا
President's report - Projet de développement agricole durable en Guinée-Forestière

Rural Development: National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors

البلد: غينيا
President's report - Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme

Agricultural Development: Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme

البلد: الهند
President's report - Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management

Rural Development: Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management

البلد: كينيا
President's report - Oudomxai Community Initiatives Support Project

Agricultural Development: Oudomxai Community Initiative Support Project

البلد: جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية
President's report - Rural Poverty Reduction Programme

Rural Development: Rural Poverty-Reduction Programme

البلد: منغوليا
President's report - Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme - Niger Delta

Rural Development: Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme - Niger Delta

البلد: نيجيريا
President's report - Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme - Niger Delta

Rural Development: Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme

البلد: نيجيريا
President's report - Idleb Rural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Idleb Rural Development Project

البلد: الجمهورية العربية السورية
President's report - Programme de développement agropastoral et de promotion des initiatives locales pour le sud-est

Agricultural Development: Agropastoral Development and Local Initiatives Promotion Programme in the South-East

البلد: تونس
President's report - Rural Finance Services Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Financial Services Programme

البلد: أوغندا
President's report - Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province

Rural Development: Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province

البلد: فييت نام
President's report - Ha Tinh Rural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Ha Tinh Rural Development Project

البلد: فييت نام
President's report - Productive Initiatives Support Programme in Rural Areas

Rural Development: Productive Initiatives Support Programme in Rural Areas

البلد: هايتي
President's report - 2002

Rural Development: Maghama Improved Flood Recession Farming Project Phase II

البلد: موريتانيا
President's report - Projet de promotion de l?initiative locale pour le développement à Aguié (PPILDA)

Agricultural Development: Project for the Promotion of Local Initiative for Development in Aguié

البلد: النيجر
Consolidated Financial Statements 2001 نوع: وثيقة مالية, القوائم المالية
President's report - Participatory Smallholder Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries Development Programme

Agricultural Development: Participatory Smallholder Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries Development Programme

البلد: ساو تومي وبرينسيبي
President's report - Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Ngöbe-Buglé Territory and Adjoining Districts

Rural Development: Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Ngöbe-Buglé Territory and Adjoining Districts

البلد: بنما
President's report - Programme d'appui au développement participatif de la pêche artisanale (PADPPA)

Fisheries: Participatory Artisanal Fisheries Development Support Programme

البلد: بنن
President's report - Livestock and Rural Finance Development Project

Agricultural Development: Livestock and Rural Finance Development Project

البلد: البوسنة والهرسك
President's report - National programme for local development (PRONADEL)

Rural Development: National Programme for Local Development

البلد: هندوراس
President's report - Livelihood Security Project for Earthquake- Affected Rural Households in Gujarat

Agricultural Development: Livelihood Security Project for Earthquake-Affected Rural Households in Gujarat

البلد: الهند
President's report - Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development Project

Rural Development: Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development Project

البلد: الهند
President's report - Income Diversification Project

Credit and Financial Services: Income Diversification Project

البلد: الأردن
President's report - Rural Livelihoods Support Programme

Rural Development: Rural Livelihoods Support Programme

البلد: ملاوي
President's report - Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project

Agricultural Development: Western Uplands Poverty Alleviation Project

البلد: نيبال
President's report - North-West Frontier Province Barani Area Development Project

Rural Development: North-West Frontier Province Barani Area Development Project

البلد: باكستان
President's report - Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project

Rural Development: Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project

البلد: الفلبين
President's report - Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme

Agricultural Development: Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme

البلد: جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
President's report - Bokeo Food Security Project

Rural Development: Bokeo Food Security Project

البلد: جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية
President's report - Programa de reconstrucción y modernización rural (PREMODER)

Agricultural Development: Reconstruction and Rural Modernization Programme

البلد: السلفادور
President's report - Pilot Project for the Development of Mountain Agriculture in the Watershed Basin of Oued Saf Saf

Agricultural Development: Pilot Project for the Development of Mountain Agriculture in the Watershed Basin of Oued Saf Saf

البلد: الجزائر
President's report - Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project

Rural Development: Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project

البلد: موزامبيق
President's report - Rural Enterprise Project

Rural Development: Rural Enterprise Project

البلد: غرينادا
President's report - 2001

Irrigation: Agricultural Services Project

البلد: أرمينيا
President's report - Rural Financial Services Project

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Financial Services Project

البلد: غانا
President's report - Rural Financial Intermediation Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Financial Intermediation Programme

البلد: إثيوبيا
President's report - Projet de lutte contre la pauvreté dans l?Aftout sud et le Karakoro

Rural Development: Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro

البلد: موريتانيا
President's report - Small Horticultural Producer Support Project

Rural Development: Small Horticultural Producer Support Project

البلد: كوت ديفوار
President's report - Third Rural Infrastructure Development Project

Rural Development: Third Rural Infrastructure Development Project

البلد: بنغلاديش
President's report - Programme de développement de la culture des racines et tubercules (PDRT)

Rural Development: Roots and Tubers Development Programme

البلد: بنن
President's report - Proyecto de Manejo de Recursos Naturales en el Chaco y Valles Altos (PROMARENA)

Research/Extension/Training: Management of Natural Resources in the Chaco and High Valley Regions Project

البلد: دولة بوليفيا متعددة القوميات
President's report - Community-Based Rural Development Project in Kampong Thom and Kampot

Agricultural Development: Community-Based Rural Development Project in Kampong Thom and Kampot

البلد: كمبوديا
President's report - Food Security Project in the Northern Guéra Region - Phase II

Rural Development: Food Security Project in the Northern Guéra Region - Phase II

البلد: تشاد

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