12:30 - 15:00 CEST
Donors play a key role in supporting initiatives that form the foundation for collaborative efforts across food systems through their innovations, programming and investments. Optimizing the catalytic and leveraging potential of donor support will be key in responding to the outcomes of the UN Food Systems Summit. Donor investments in food systems are relatively small compared to the investments of farmers, food sector businesses and national governments, but they are crucial for enabling and incentivizing other actors to play their part.
This event will:
- Highlight key elements of donor perspectives on the food systems agenda in response to the UN Food Systems Summit.
- Discuss and seek agreement on the key priorities for future donor focus.
- Discuss some of the most effective modalities for donor coordination going forward.
The event will also launch the GDPRD stocktaking report on Donor contributions in food systems, a mapping of the patterns and scale of food systems-related funding and an assessment of the extent donors are embracing a food system framing and aligning their investments to the UN Food Systems Summit Action Tracks.
This event is organized by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GPDRD) and co-sponsored by the European Commission, IFAD and USAID.
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