مدونة صوتية | 24 أبريل 2023

تسليط الضوء على التنوع البيولوجي – الحلقة 43

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تمهيدا لليوم الدولي للتنوع البيولوجي، نقدم لكم مقابلتنا مع David Cooper، السكرتير التنفيذي بالإنابة لاتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي، وذلك قبل التحدث مع كبيرة الأخصائيين التقنيين في شؤون التنوع البيولوجي في الصندوق Marie-Aude Even.

وبمناسبة حفل التتويج القادم في المملكة المتحدة، نأخذ منعطفا ملكيا ونتحدث مع David Cope، رئيس الاستدامة في دوقية كورنوال.

كما نقدم لكم تقريرا خاصا بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للنحل، وذلك قبل أن نقدم لكم أحدث فصل في سلسلتنا القصيرة المنتدى العالمي للمانحين. كما نناقش زراعة الأشجار عن بعد مع فريق منصة Treedom، والحشرات كعلف حيواني مع شركة Ento Insect Solutions.

Episode content

David Cooper: protecting biodiversity is essential for farmers

David Cooper

The Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, David Cooper, gives us insights into the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and explains why it’s important for farmers.

Marie-Aude Even on IFAD’s work with biodiversity and agriculture

Marie-Aude Even

Marie Aude Even gives us the latest updates on what IFAD is doing to sustain biodiversity and agriculture in developing countries.

David Cope on royal commitment to sustainability

David Cope

The royal drive for sustainability was initiated years ago by the Duke of Cornwall – now King Charles III. Head of Sustainability at the The Duchy of Cornwall, David Cope, tells us why sustainability is at the heart of their operations.

The importance of honeybees, with Elena Fidanoska

Elena Fidanoska

Food security is closely linked to bee security – Elena Fidanoska knows this well. She is the founder and Chief Executive of Macedonian Honey, a company that uses innovative technology to protect, strengthen and heal honeybees.

David Laborde with the latest on the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development

David Laborde

David Laborde is the Director of the Agrifood Economics Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization. He talks to us about the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development and the importance of data to develop agriculture, reshape food systems and invest in rural communities to tackle global poverty and hunger.

Anna Weston on the benefits of planting trees

Anna Weston

When trees and freedom align, you get Treedom – the first platform in the world that allows you to plant a tree from a distance and follow the project online. The team’s Head of Development, Anna Weston, tells us all about it.

Insect for animal feed? Brian Nyota tells us more

Brian Nyota

Ento Insect Solutions Kenya provides sustainable and innovative solutions for animal feed. Farmer and founder Brian Nyota shares the success stories of farmers who have benefited from his company's technology.

David Cope on royal commitment to sustainability – Part II

David Cope expands on how the Duchy is committing to sustainable and regenerative agriculture and soil health.

David Cooper on helping farmers through biodiversity

We end this episode with more from David Cooper. He tells us about the new Global Biodiversity Framework and how it aims to help small-scale farmers build resilience.

Summing up

Many thanks as always to our producer Francesco Manetti and the rest of the team, our reporters Nour Bona and Michelle Makena Mwimbi in Nairobi. A special thanks to you, for listening to this episode of Farms. Food. Future. Your hosts have been Brian Thomson and Michelle Tang.

Stay tuned for our next episode on water scarcity and climate change in North Africa and the Near East.

Remember, we want to hear from you. What do you think of the themes we discuss and who would you like us to interview? Send us a voice or text message at [email protected] – we’ll be happy to share it on our next episode.

Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on your favourite podcast platform and rate us.

We’ll be back at the end of May with fresh news from the farm.

Previous episodes to enjoy

In Episode 40 we focused on Indigenous Peoples.

Listen to Episode 41 for more on International Women’s Day and the digital gender gap.

Innovation was the name of the game in Episode 42.

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