الطاقة النظيفة تعزز القدرة على الصمود في المناطق الريفية في كوبا
تعاني المناطق الريفية في كوبا من انقطاعات كهربائية متكررة، لكن على طول الساحل الشرقي تتبلور ملامح تحوّلٍ جديدٍ في مجال الطاقة.
تواجه الدول الجزرية الصغيرة النامية تحديات لا يمكن تصورها، بما في ذلك تدهور الأمن الغذائي وتغير المناخ. انضموا إلينا وإلى Oliver Page، المتخصص في تغير المناخ والبيئة في الصندوق، لمعرفة المزيد عن كيفية مساعدة صغار المزارعين والصيادين في الجزر على تعزيز قدرتهم على الصمود في وجه المناخ. ونركز على مشروعات الصندوق في هايتي وتونغا وكذلك الفلبين - وهي دولة جزرية أكبر حجما تكافح قضايا مماثلة للدول الجزرية الصغيرة النامية - قبل الحصول على آخر المستجدات بشأن قمة الأمم المتحدة المقبلة للنظم الغذائية من Stefanos Fotiou، رئيس مركز تنسيق قمة النظم الغذائية. ويعلمنا Max Cotton في المملكة المتحدة كيف يُسعده أسلوب حياته المكتفي ذاتيا قبل أن ينتهي مع Nikita Eriksen-Hamel ومنصة المانحين العالمية للتنمية الريفية.
فقط بالإنجليزية.
Episode Content
Oliver Page, Regional Climate Change and Environmental Specialist at IFAD |
Oliver Page, IFAD’s Climate change and environmental specialist in Latin America and the Caribbean joins us from Panama to tell us about IFAD’s strategy in SIDS and the need to limit climate change and global temperatures if we want to help these vulnerable islands.
Jessica Muñoz, Project Coordinator at FishCoral |
FishCoral works to reduce poverty, improve food security and nutrition and increase incomes in coastal communities in the Philippines. Project Coordinator Jessica Muñoz tells us all about the programme and how it helps improve climate resilience.
Oliver Page, Regional Climate Change and Environmental Specialist at IFAD |
IFAD is using the ridge to reef approach to protect SIDS’ coastal areas and its communities. Oliver Page is back to tell us how this holistic intervention has helped to mitigate extreme weather and build resilience among farmers and fishers.
Paolo Silveri, Country Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at IFAD |
Land degradation, soil erosion, deforestation and overfishing are just some of the challenges the island of Haiti is up against. Paolo Silveri, the Country Director for Latin America and the Caribbean explains how the Inclusive Blue Economy Project is using innovative approaches to transform the ways coastal rural populations manage and protect natural and marine resources.
Oliver Page, Regional Climate Change and Environmental Specialist at IFAD |
SIDS rely greatly on food imports, making them vulnerable to price volatility. In part 3, Oliver Page calls for more support, technical assistance and capacity-building, to help island communities achieve long-lasting self-reliance and resilience in sustainable ways.
Crystal Ake, of the MORDI Tonga Trust |
The MORDI Tonga Trust and IFAD work hand in hand to empower rural communities on the Tongan island of Eua. Crystal Ake, of the Trust, tells us about the programme and how it benefits locals, including through healthier eating habits and traditional fishing methods.
Stefanos Fotiou, Director of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub |
Stefanos Fotiou is the Director of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. He talks to us about the upcoming Food Systems Stocktaking Moment, a key event for food systems transformation. This year the theme will be ‘sustainable food systems for people, planet and prosperity’.
Max Cotton |
Max Cotton has lived off the land in rural southwest England for months. He updates us on his self-sufficient life – including his frustrations, successes and biggest challenges.
Nikita Eriksen-Hamel, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Food Systems for Global Affairs Canada |
Nikita Eriksen-Hamel is the Deputy Director of Agriculture and Food Systems for Global Affairs Canada and a long-time member of the Donor Platform. He details the importance of a farming system that is both sustainable and capable of keeping up with our population growth. Nikita highlights the need for donors to keep small-scale farmers in mind, as they are key to the wider development landscape.
Many thanks to our producer in Rome, Francesco Manetti, reporter Nour Bona and co-hosts Michelle Tang and Brian Thomson.
Most of all, thanks to our listeners. Remember, we want to hear from you – tell us what you think about our stories, the issues covered and who you’d like us to talk to next. Get in touch with a voice or text message to [email protected] and we’ll play your message on our next episode.
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Learn more about innovation in agriculture in episode 42.
In this royal episode we spoke with the Head of Sustainability at the Duchy of Cornwall, episode 43.
In episode 44 we tackle water scarcity in the Near East and North Africa.