نجم العشاء: المزارع
بفضل مشروع مبتكر، تقوم النساء الريفيات في الجمهورية الدومينيكية بتوريد المكونات إلى مطعم شهير.
النساء الريفيات هن في صميم الزراعة – ومع ذلك فإن لديهن موارد، ووقت، وسلطة لاتخاذ القرارات أقل من الرجال. فكيف يكافح الصندوق عدم المساواة بين الجنسين في المجتمعات المحلية الريفية؟ Tshering Choden من شعبة البيئة والمناخ والشؤون الجنسانية والإدماج الاجتماعي يشرح لنا هذا الموضوع، ويليه المدير القطري Philippe Remy حول كيفية تنفيذ قصص النجاح المحققة في ملاوي في تونس. وفي أمريكا اللاتينية، يناقش قادة النساء الريفيات سد الفجوة بين الجنسين.
وفي هذا الشهر، يُطلق Ilse Loango سلسلة قصيرة عن Fundación ACUA، وهي مؤسسة غير ربحية تعمل على تعزيز تمكين المنحدرين من أصل أفريقي في أمريكا اللاتينية. وتتحدث Hadija Jabiri، مؤسسة الموقع الشبكي EatFresh، عن تمكين النساء في المزارع، كما تتحدث Judy Ling Wong، الرئيسة الفخرية لشركة Black Environmental Network، عن التنوع في المجتمعات المحلية الريفية. ونختتم الحلقة مع Claire Somerville، من معهد جنيف للدراسات العليا، التي تناقش الفوارق الجنسانية.
باللغة الإنجليزية فقط
Episode content
Tshering Choden, IFAD Technical Specialist for Gender and Social Inclusion |
Tshering Choden is an IFAD Technical Specialist for Gender and Social Inclusion based in Delhi. She explains how IFAD implements the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) – a methodology that helps realize gender-transformative results in IFAD’s operations.
Philippe Remy, IFAD Country Director |
Country Director Philippe Remy visits Malawi to see how GALS is being implemented, in a bid to put it into practice in Tunisia.
Kimberly Noelia Uyaguari |
In Ecuador, young leader Kimberly Noelia Uyaguari is involved in implementing Closing the Gap – Cerrando Brecha – a methodology that seeks to identify forms of gender inequality in rural settings.
Yudi Yoselin Guevara |
Another young leader, Yudi Yoselin Guevara, is working to implement the Closing the Gap methodology in El Salvador. Yoselin speaks of the importance of the community to effectively close the gap.
Ilse Loango, Entrepreneur |
From Colombia, entrepreneur Ilse Loango kicks off our new mini-series in collaboration with ACUA, a foundation in support of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America. Ilse talks to us about her start-up and the ways in which it helps to bolster a shared cultural identity.
Hadija Jabiri, founder and managing director of GBRI Business Solutions in Tanzania |
Hadija Jabiri is the founder and managing director of GBRI Business Solutions in Tanzania, a global community working to empower women entrepreneurs across Africa. She is also involved in the Africa Food Systems Forum and works to promote sustainable and profitable agriculture by empowering small-scale farmers. Hadija has received several awards for her ongoing work.
Judy Ling Wong, founder and honorary president of Black Environment Network |
We catch up with Judy Ling Wong, founder and honorary president of Black Environment Network – an organization that focuses of environmental justice for ethnic minorities. She tells us about their progress and how nature-based activities are addressing the rise of eco-anxiety.
Claire Somerville, Executive Director of the Gender Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute |
Claire Somerville is the Executive Director of the Gender Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute. She gives us an insight into her research on gender and health issues in rural communities.
Thanks to our producer, Francesco Manetti and our reporters, Roberto Gonzalez, Ciara Rainsby, Rosa Gonzalez, Alexia Vatter and Emilie Agras. Your podcast hosts are Michelle Tang and Brian Thomson.
Our deep appreciation goes to our listeners. Remember, we want to hear from you – send us a message at [email protected].
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Join us next month. We’ll be celebrating being together for 50 Farms. Food. Future. episodes and many more to come!