Lebanon Country Strategy Note 2025-2026 - IFAD
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الوثائق المؤسساتية | 27 أغسطس 2024
Lebanon Country Strategy Note 2025-2026
This country strategy note (CSN) will be valid for the period 2025-2026.
IFAD’s strategic objectives in Lebanon are rooted in the platform of knowledge generated by past and ongoing IFAD engagements, as well as consultations with both local and international counterparts to identify the immediate needs and main impediments facing the agricultural sector:
- Promoting small farmers’ climate resilience through ecosystem restoration, protection and preservation of biodiversity, water and land resources;
- Promoting sustainable livelihoods and integration of rural poor into equitable value chain.
The CSN also addresses the following priorities:
- Gender
- Youth
- Food security and nutrition
- Climate change
- Private sector engagement
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