نتائج مستقاة من تقييمات الأثر في أوزبكستان والجبل الأسود وتركيا
مكّن نهج التجمعات الريفية في الجبل الأسود المزارعين من تمويل أصول الثروة الحيوانية الإنتاجية، وتعزيز إنتاجية الألبان والثروة الحيوانية، وترجمة هذه التحسينات إلى مشاركة أكبر في السوق.
IFAD measures the impact of its investments by systematically conducting impact assessments on a sample of projects closing during each replenishment period. Impact estimates on key indicators are aggregated and projected to the corporate level.
For the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD11), one quarter of projects that closed between 2019 and 2021 were assessed.
Estimates show that IFAD exceeded all the targets set for IFAD11, except for the nutrition target. The incomes of 77.4 million project participants increased by at least 10 per cent. The productive capacities of 62 million participants and the market access of 64.4 million participants were increased. Around 38 million participants resilience improved by at least 20 per cent.