Papers and briefs
ابحاث وملخصات

ابحاث وملخصات
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Project Brief: Improving Agricultural Resilience to Salinity through Development and Promotion of Pro-poor Technologies (RESADE)
RESADE is improving food security, agricultural productivity and incomes of poor smallholder farmers in salinity-affected areas in seven countries. It does so by introducing salt-tolerant crops, using suitable agronomic management practices, developing value chains for new crops, building capacity, influencing national development policies, providing good quality seeds.
Project Brief: Agricultural Transformation in Nigerian Federal States and Togolese Regions Towards Achieving Zero Hunger
Increasing food demand is a key concern in Nigeria and Togo as price increases exacerbate poverty. The project improves food security and agricultural productivity within the rice and cassava value chains by introducing resilient crop varieties, improving crop management practices and implementing enabling policies.
Programme Brief: Agroecological Transitions for Building Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural and Food Systems
This brief describes the Agroecological Transitions programme which empowers farmers in low- and middle-income countries to make climate-informed agroecological transitions.
Infographic: IFAD13 at a glance
This infographic outlines the main elements of IFAD13, including our ambitions, targets, approaches and tools.
الإصدار الثالث من ميزة الصندوق ومرفق البيئة العالمية: نهج متكامل للنظم الغذائية والمناخ والطبيعة
الإصدار الثالث من ميزة الصندوق ومرفق البيئة العالمية يسلط الضوء على مزايا الشراكة في مجالات متعددة، بما في ذلك النظم الغذائية، والتنوع البيولوجي والتكيف مع تغير المناخ وتدهور الأراضي.
قائمة مهام للوكالات المتعددة الأطراف: إمكانيات بريدجتاون
يركز موجز السياسات على التحدي المتمثل في التنمية العادلة والمستدامة للجميع ويقترح قائمة مهام لوكالات التنمية المتعددة الأطراف ويحدد إمكانات الإصلاح
INSURED - التأمين على المرونة الريفية والتنمية الاقتصادية
INSURED هو برنامج مساعدة فنية يعمل على تعزيز التأمين الزراعي في حافظة الصندوق.
Systèmes alimentaires en action: Burundi – un contexte socio-économique complexe
Cette étude de cas montre comment l'adoption d'une approche holistique des systèmes alimentaires sensibles aux enjeux nutritionnels peut conduire à des résultats durables.
Financing Facility for Remittances Knowledge Products
Since its inception in 2006, IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), has produced a large number of publications and information material with global outreach. This pamphlet aims to provide the reader with a quick overview of each, with a link to the dedicated webpage.
Climate Action Report 2021
This fourth edition of IFAD’s Climate Action Report does not restrict itself to reviewing the progress and results of the past year, but also situates these results within the larger context of IFAD's 11th Replenishment.
بـرايم أفريكا
منصة التحويلات المالية، والاستثمارات، وريادة أعمال المهاجرين في أفريقيا
Challenges and perspectives in the food and agriculture sector in post-2020 China
This policy note discusses how China could further advance its food and agricultural development model, making it greener, more sustainable, and more inclusive.
Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in post-2020 China - Challenges and recommendations
This policy note discusses the challenges and opportunities for China to update its development model to reflect the new context. It suggests three priority areas and nine policy actions which China should focus on.
Climate Action Report 2020
This third edition of the IFAD Climate Action Report (CAR) describes the efforts that IFAD has made during the year to integrate climate change into every aspect of its plans and operations.
Infographic: IFAD12 at a glance
This infographic outlines the main elements of IFAD12: our ambitions, targets, approaches and tools.
Infographic: 2020 at a glance
Tunisia: Detecting change with remote sensing
Sierra Leone: Fighting fires with rice paddies
This GIS study shows that the development of rice paddies in Sierra Leone has led to fewer forest fires.
The FO4ACP programme
The FO4ACP programme aims to support small-scale and family farmers in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries by strengthening farmers’ organizations.