نتائج البحث
United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021: IFAD’s engagement and key messages
A guide to the Summit and a summary of IFAD’s core messages on food systems.
Gender transformative approaches for food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture – A compendium of fifteen good practices
The Compendium is a product of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition implemented by FAO, IFAD and WFP and funded by the European Union.
Policy Brief: Impact of Covid-19 on staples and food markets in Tanzania
These reviews provide a summary of results and actionable policy recommendations to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and build resilience against future pandemic outbreaks.
Panorama of Food and Nutritional Security in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020
This report examines the impact of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on the analysis of territorial inequalities and calls on countries to focus their investments and policies on lagging territories.
Investing in rural people in Papua New Guinea
Strengthening sorghum and millet value chains for food, nutritional and income security in arid and semi‑arid lands of Kenya and United Republic of Tanzania (SOMNI)
Sorghum, finger millet and pearl millet are the most important staple foods for most households in the semi-arid tropics of East Africa, as these crops grow in harsh environments where other crops do not grow well.
Investing in rural people in Indonesia
Over the last 40 years, IFAD and the Government of Indonesia have invested more than US$1 billion in rural people to strengthen inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth.
فحص فجوة التمويل المناخي للزراعة الصغيرة
في عالم سريع التغير، تظل الزراعة هي قلب التنمية المستدامة. إن المخاطر التي يواجهها العالم في العقد الأخير المتبقي لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة كثيرة، لكن الفرص عديدة بنفس القدر.
IFAD Innovation Network
The IFAD Innovation Network is an informal, democratic, non-hierarchical space for sharing ideas, good practices, tools and lessons learned about innovation at IFAD.
Climate change and small-scale farming: The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)
IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) is the largest multi-donor global fund specifically dedicated to enabling smallholder farmers to adapt and build their resilience to climate change.
The FO4ACP programme
The FO4ACP programme aims to support small-scale and family farmers in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries by strengthening farmers’ organizations.
IFAD Policy Brief on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples, who often live in rural areas of developing countries and face high levels of poverty and food insecurity, are an important constituency for IFAD.
Participatory Guarantee System case study report
In 2017, after several years of partnership between IFAD and Slow Food on themes related to food security, indigenous peoples and youth, IFAD approved a large grant project, called “Empowering Indigenous Youth and their Communities to Defend and Promote their Food Heritage,” to be implemented by Slow Food over three years.
Grant Results Sheet: Strengthening capacity to assess the impact of tenure security measures on IFAD-supported and other projects within the SDG framework
IFAD partnered with the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and UN-Habitat to conceptualize and develop gender-responsive and fit-for-purpose tools and approaches to evaluate the impact of land tenure and governance interventions.
Digital gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
CFS policy database
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all.
Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship
Investing in rural people in the Kyrgyz Republic
IFAD has invested in rural development in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1996.
Investing in rural people in China
IFAD is the only one of China’s development partners dedicated exclusively to reducing poverty and increasing food and nutrition security in rural areas.
Impact Assessment: Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Project (PSSA)
Scaling sustainable land management: A collection of SLM technologies and approaches in Northern Uganda and beyond
Research Series Issue 63: The adoption of improved agricultural technologies - A meta-analysis for Africa
The future of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
AR4D-PRUNSAR 2019 Consolidated Report
The Putting Research into Use for Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture and Resilience (PRUNSAR) programme is currently one of the most significant ongoing AR4D programmes. It has a budget of almost US$40 million, mainly from the European Union, of which US$8 million is a contribution from IFAD.
COVID-19 Learning Notes
Learning lessons as the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, and providing timely knowledge-driven feedback to development practitioners and decision-makers, is perhaps as important as delivering IFAD’s COVID-19 package itself.
Investing in rural people in Moldova
Report of the seventh global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum at IFAD
A decade of food loss reduction
14 per cent of the world’s food production is lost before it reaches the consumer. Food losses disproportionately affect developing countries, threatening people’s livelihoods, especially those depending on agriculture.
ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي: أصل محفز للتحول الريفي المستدام والشامل
التقرير السنوي للصندوق لعام 2019
Grant Results Sheet: Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security Learning Initiative for East and Southern Africa – Phase 2 (TSLI-ESA 2)
The IFAD–India partnership
India is a founding member of IFAD, and the IFAD–India partnership spans more than 40 years. India is not only the largest recipient of IFAD’s investments, but also a significant contributor,
How to prevent land use conflicts in pastoral areas
IFAD’s community of practice for geospatial applications aims to enhance IFAD’s operations and impact through systematic integration of geospatial tools, methods and data analytics.
The objective of IFAD’s ICT4D strategy is to provide a framework for leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) to increase development impact and improve the economic and the social conditions of rural people.
The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is a Community of Practice managed by the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) for knowledge exchange on agricultural risk management in developing countries.
Farmers' Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific - FO4ACP
The overall objective of the FO4ACP programme is to increase income and to improve livelihoods, food and nutrition security and safety of organized smallholder and family farmers in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
The Gender Network
How to do note: Gender and pastoralism
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020
Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets.
Mainstreaming youth in IFAD operations: A practitioner’s guide
This report offers practical guidance on how IFAD can support the engagement of marginalized young people, paying specific attention to their diverse and complex needs and addressing the real causes of their discrimination.
How post offices can leverage the impact of remittances: A set of working papers
SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2019
العدد 62 من سلسلة البحوث: الآثار الجانبية لمجموعات منتجي البذور على المزارعين غير الأعضاء في مجتمعات التلال المتوسطة في نيبال
The Russian Federation-IFAD Partnership
Impact Assessment: Gente de Valor – Rural Communities Development Project in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia
The Rural Communities Development in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia (Project Gente de Valor) was designed to strengthen the capacity of rural communities to thrive in the drought-prone environment of Brazil's north-east region through improved access to water, increased productive capacity, and empowerment of participating communities.
Renewable Energy for Smallholder Agriculture (RESA)
Projet pour Accélérer l’Atteinte de l’OMD1c ‘‘PROPA-O’’ - Les resultats
L’objectif principal du PROPA-O est d’accélérer les progrès vers la réalisation des OMD-1c; en l’occurrence réduire de moitié la proportion des personnes qui souffrent de la faim à l’horizon 2015 au Burundi.
Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in the Near East and North Africa 2019
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 1: Sesaco Ltd.
This is a baseline report for the impact assessment of the Yield Uganda Investment Fund (YUIF), an investment fund that provides targeted financing to small and medium agribusinesses (SMAs) to help them overcome barriers to accessing capital.
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 2: Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)
The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)
The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund) invests in smallholder farmers and rural small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural value chains.
Investing in rural people in Sao Tome and Principe
IFAD grants: A guided overview of financial management practices and procedures
This course aims to provide IFAD grant recipients with clear guidance on financial management requirements during project implementation.
Stories from the field: Innovative agriculture
Good Practice Brief: Fostering sustainability and resilience for food security in Niger
Resilient Food Systems 2018-2019 Annual Report
Accelerating knowledge generation for data-driven decision making
Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains: The role of climate-resilient infrastructures for SMEs
This study reviews evidence on initiatives that invest in climate-resilient infrastructure to support smallholder farmer organizations and agribusinesses in the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) category and, ultimately, to foster inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chains. Case studies from the BRACED and ASAP programmes across sub-Saharan Africa are presented.
Informe de Género e Inclusión Social: Región Andina
Brief on Gender and Social Inclusion: East and Southern Africa
IFAD’s Case for Investment: Investing in rural prosperity, food and resilience to reduce poverty and hunger in a changing climate
Today we stand at a critical juncture – historic progress in reducing hunger has stalled and the successes of recent decades are being reversed.
China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility - Approved proposals: second call
Established in February 2018 and entirely devoted to smallholder agriculture and rural development, the China-IFAD SSTC Facility is taking concrete actions to alleviate rural poverty, enhance rural productivity, advance rural transformation and promote investments among developing countries.
IFAD and Farmers' Organizations - Partnership in Progress: 2016-2019
Policy brief - Enabling Family Farming to speed progress across the 2030 Agenda
IFAD at a glance
IFAD is the only multilateral development institution that focuses exclusively on transforming rural economies and food systems. It works in remote regions of developing countries and fragile situations, where few aid agencies or international financial institutions venture.
The faces of empowerment - Photo Essay about the beneficiaries of the Joint Programme on Rural Women Economic Empowerment
This photo essay describes the different types of changes in the life of women that are participating in the JP RWEE.
Research Series Issue 61: The narrative on rural youth and economic opportunities in Africa: facts, myths and gaps
This paper reviews the narrative on rural youth and economic opportunities in Africa, using a set of policy documents from various African countries and regional and international organizations.
Research Series Issue 60: Investing in rural youth in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia
This study reviews the opportunities and challenges facing rural youth in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia region.
Research Series Issue 59: The rural youth situation in Latin America and the Caribbean
This study offers a general picture of the situation of rural youth in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Research Series Issue 58: Investing in rural youth in the Asia and the Pacific region
This study characterizes the structural and rural transformation of the Asia and the Pacific region.
Research Series Issue 57: Unlocking the potential of rural youth: the role of policies and institutions
This study presents a framework to analyse the political economy of rural youth policy and institutions’ opportunity space with a quadrant that measures the extent to which rural youth are a priority in policies and institutions versus the extent that governments have to effectively implement rural youth policies.
Research Series Issue 56: The impact of migrants’ remittances and investment on rural youth
This study analyses how migrants positively contribute to the sustainable economic development of rural youth in their countries of origin.
Research Series Issue 55: Rural youth: determinants of migration throughout the world
This study takes a unique look at the determinants of youth migration across seven different countries using recently collected data.
Research Series Issue 54: Rural youth in the context of fragility and conflict
While conflicts are often defined as “development in reverse”, there is a general lack of research focusing specifically on young people living in rural areas.