نتائج البحث
IFAD Annual Report 2005
Annual report on investigative and anti-corruption activities 2005
The IFAD Oversight Committee (OVC) was established by the President of IFAD in May 2000 to coordinate investigations into alleged irregular practices as a means of ensuring consistent, prompt and appropriate responses to allegations. The OVC investigates allegations of irregular practices pertaining to activities within IFAD or in connection with operations and contracts financed by IFAD, decides on the investigative actions to be taken, determines the role of IFAD in investigations involving external parties (such as national authorities or cooperating institutions), and reports to the President the facts that have emerged from the investigation.
A multifaceted field collaboration among FAO, IFAD and WFP
First mile project - factsheet 1
need better access to markets and to reliable information about
prices, product quality and market conditions. Can new
information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially
the Internet, help? The First Mile is a two-year pilot project
supported by the Government of Switzerland. It is
implemented in collaboration with the Agricultural Marketing
Systems Development Programme of the Government of the
United Republic of Tanzania. Technical assistance is being
provided by the International Support Group.
Most of these internal conflicts have taken place in poor countries, impeding their development. In fact, more than half the
countries where international development agencies currently operate are affected by war.
Unfortunately, the majority of these conflicts are ongoing events, not temporary emergencies.
Today’s average conflict lasts about eight years – twice as long as conflicts before 1980. And many
more people are killed in conflicts by hunger and disease than by actual fighting.
Annual report 2004 - part 3
Annual report 2004 - part 2
Annual Report 2004
Annual report on investigative and anti-corruption activities 2004
The Oversight Committee (OVC) was established by the President of IFAD in May 2000, pursuant to President’s Bulletin 2000/04, to coordinate investigations into alleged irregular practices as a means of ensuring consistent, prompt and appropriate responses to allegations. The OVC membership comprises the Vice-President of IFAD as Chair, the General Counsel and the Chief, Internal Audit.1 The Special Advisor to the Vice-President and other IFAD officers (on invitation) have also participated in OVC meetings. The mandate of the OVC was reinforced in July 2003 through the adoption of the UN/IFI Uniform Guidelines for Investigation (see President’s Bulletin 2003/06, copy attached).