نتائج البحث
أنظمة جمع المياه للمنتجين أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة ، نصائح للاختيار والتصميم
يعمل هذا الموجز على زيادة الوعي بأنظمة جمع المياه ويصف تصميم تدخلات جمع المياه. ويهدف إلى إطلاع أصحاب المصلحة على تقييم الطلب على المياه ، والمياه المتاحة للجمع ، واختيار أنظمة جمع المياه المناسبة.
Capitalisation champs école paysans. Action collective, auto-organisation et, rôle des organisations paysannes dans la mise à échelle et l’institutionnalisation des CEP
L’approche Champ École Paysan (CEP) est adoptée dans la grande majorité des projets financés par le FIDA en Afrique subsaharienne. À travers cette capitalisation, il s’agit d’analyser dans quelle mesure l’approche CEP a permis l’émergence de processus collectifs, organisationnels et d’autonomisation des paysans en réponse aux problèmes qui se posaient à eux.
Understanding market demand: How to use focus group discussions in the development of inclusive insurance
Understanding market demand is a critical step in the process of developing solutions to meet the risk management needs of rural poor people, particularly with regard to insurance.
Reinforcing Pacific Food Systems for COVID-19 recovery – key impacts, responses and opportunities to build back better
This report offers a consolidated analysis of pre-COVID food security and nutrition challenges across the Pacific Islands and outlines key actions needed to respond to the current impacts, inform medium- to long-term recovery planning, and better prepare for future crises.
استراتيجية التنوع البيولوجي في الصندوق للفترة 2025-2022
The purpose of this strategy is to facilitate a more systematic, organized and generalized integration of the protection, sustainable use and promotion of biodiversity in IFAD operations.
Scaling up rural youth access to inclusive financial services for entrepreneurship and employment
This document is an overview of the lessons learned from a project on “Scaling up rural youth access to inclusive financial services for entrepreneurship and employment” in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
Behavioural science recommendations for the design of gender transformative IFAD programmes
This study examines how behavioural barriers and biases perpetuate the gender gap and explores how behavioural science can reduce such barriers and biases.
Case study: Innovations in financial inclusion, including microinsurance
Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Programme for the Coastal Communities of Tamil Nadu, India, 2007-2020.