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What it means to make “good” food: A conversation with Chef Dhondy
Chef Anahita Dhondy is a passionate advocate for Parsi food – the rich cuisine of India’s Zoroastrian community to which she belongs – as well as for the use of local, seasonal, sustainable ingredients. We recently caught up with her to hear more about her work in and out of the kitchen.
Good food and good stories: A conversation with Chef Thomas Zacharias
Chef Thomas Zacharias is a big fan of storytelling as a way to get people interested in fixing our food systems. We caught up with him to learn more about what drives him to tell the stories of the farmers he’s met and to champion local, seasonal, sustainable ingredients.
40 years of IFAD-China cooperation: Celebrating the past, envisioning the future
IFAD and China are celebrating 40 years of cooperation. Over the last four decades, IFAD has supported China’s development and China has been a key supporter and champion of our work. Here, we look back on 40 years of achievement and look forward to where the next few decades will take us.
التدخلات الإنمائية القائمة على المنح مجدية. ولكن كيف، ومتى؟
لطالما رأت الحكمة التقليدية بأن تقديم المنح لصغار المزارعين يؤدي إلى مكاسب مؤقتة في أحسن الأحوال. ولكن البحوث التي أجريناها مؤخرا في التدخل القائم على المنح المستخدم من قبل مشروع تعزيز الدخول الريفية من خلال الصادرات، وهو مبادرة ممولة من الصندوق في رواندا، وجدت أن الفوائد دامت خمس سنوات وأكثر.