Climate-Resilient Post-harvest and Agribusiness Support Project

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

ناشر الأصول

Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project

The goal of this project is to alleviate poverty, increase the incomes of smallholders and rural labourers – including women, youth and vulnerable groups – and contribute to overall economic development in Rwanda. The project will demonstrate pro-poor and climate-resilient approaches to post-harvest activities undertaken amidst increasing climatic uncertainty.

The target group comprises poor smallholder farmers engaged in the production or processing of specific priority crops and dairy products. This group includes poor farmers with some production potential, members of cooperatives who own small land plots, and smallholders who supplement their income through agricultural wage work.

The project is organized into two main components:

  • Capacity development and business coaching for cooperatives, farmers' organizations, and small businesses and microenterprises involved in delivering produce to market.
  • Support for agribusiness investment in climate-resilient drying, processing, value addition, storage, logistics, distribution and other post-harvest activities that reduce product losses and increase incomes.

The project will be strengthened through an investment of US$7 million from the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP), launched by IFAD to channel climate and environmental finance to smallholder farmers so that they can increase their resilience.

الحالة: مغلق
تاريخ الموافقة
11 ديسمبر 2013
2013 - 2020
الائتمان والخدمات المالية
التكلفة الإجمالية للمشروع
83.35 مليون دولار امريكي
تمويل فصندوق
33.86 مليون دولار امريكي
شركاء التمويل (محلي)
Domestic Financing Institutions 34.62 مليون دولار امريكي
National Government 3.4 مليون دولار امريكي
Beneficiaries 11.47 مليون دولار امريكي
شروط التمويل
منح في إطار القدرة على تحمل الديون/ ميسرة للغاية
رقم تعريف المشروع
الاتصال لهذا المشروع
Francesco Maria Rispoli

تقرير تصميم المشروعات

وثائق دعم الإشراف والتنفيذ

وثائق دعم الإشراف والتنفيذ

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

الاسيت ببليشر

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