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Research and academic institutions

Increasing the knowledge base on proven solutions

Research is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. IFAD partners with a number of agricultural research and academic institutions to increase the knowledge base on proven solutions and good practices, and strengthen food security. The evidence generated from these partnerships feeds into IFAD operations.

IFAD's flagship publication, the Rural Development Report, is developed in collaboration with research partners who provide background materials for the report.

To create a broader research agenda, IFAD is working on a joint initiative with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank's Rome-based Center for Development Data and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Independent Science and Partner Council to develop a collaborative research agenda to promote progress on SDGs 1 and 2 in rural areas.

We also play a lead role in a number of networks and knowledge platforms that pioneer innovation in research for agricultural development and forge new collaborations to improve access to information, finance and risk analysis.

Some of our key partnerships include:



Remote sensing for index insurance for smallholder agriculture

The Weather Risk Management Facility is a joint United Nations partnership between IFAD and the World Food Programme. It supports initiatives aimed at reducing smallholders' vulnerability to weather and other agricultural production risks, in order to encourage and protect investments in smallholder agricultural production and contribute to food security.

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