
Operations Academy - Pillar III - Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Theory of Change and Logical Framework

Last updated
1 hour and 20 minutes


This course aims to give you a thorough understanding of the Theory of Change (TOC) and the Logical Framework (Logframe) in IFAD projects. It will present requirements for the TOC and Logframe in IFAD projects, and how the two are different. It will describe the process of preparing a TOC and Logframe along with their contents.

The course is composed of four modules:
- Module 1 TOC and Logframe in IFAD projects, looks at the formal requirements for the TOC and Logframe in IFAD projects and how the two are different. It will also discuss how the TOC and Logframe should be used as tools at different stages of the project, from the initial concept through to project completion.

- Module 2 Preparing the TOC: process and product, talks about preparing the TOC during project design and the main steps involved in the process. It will also look at the products that follow: the narrative description of the TOC and the TOC diagram.

- Module 3 Preparing the Logframe: elements and contents, looks at the IFAD Logframe, its importance and use. It will examine the key elements and contents of the IFAD Logframe, which presents the intervention logic and facilitates results measurement. It will also discuss the Core Indicators framework and project-specific indicators; and the link to the thematic focus of a project and its mainstreaming commitments.

- Module 4 Checking the Logframe, looks at key aspects that should be checked when designing or reviewing a Logframe: results description; intervention logic; the quality of indicators; and means of verification. It will also briefly discuss validating and changing the TOC and Logframe during implementation.

This course will take 1 hour and 20 minutes approx. to complete.

Note: Complete the modules at your own pace. If you leave the course, you can always return to where you left off. 

Target Audience:
The primary target audience for this training is the M&E specialist (IFAD staff or consultant) on design missions, who is responsible for preparing the TOC and the Logframe. A second target audience is the M&E Officer, who needs a good understanding of these tools and how to use them during implementation. The training is also relevant for others who contribute to the preparation of these tools during project design or use them during implementation. This includes members of the project delivery team, government representatives, the Project Coordinator and other members of the project management unit.

Available language(s)
English (UK)
IFAD Operations Academy


1 training module