Operations Academy - Pillar III - ICT4D in Agriculture: Value Chains, Market Access, and Bundled Services
The goal of this course is to further build knowledge and capacity among IFAD staff in order to accelerate the adoption of agricultural digital technologies. The Applications of ICT4D in Agriculture: Value Chains, Market Access, and Bundled Services course builds on the Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture course. This advanced course will further learners' understanding of key principles and approaches that can be used to integrate digital solutions into IFAD’s work. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand how the practical use of ICT4D solutions improves access to markets and value chain efficiency, as well as how it fits into the broader strategy of digital platforms for smallholder farmers. Outline key considerations that should be taken into account when identifying use cases, selecting technologies, and engaging partners to design ICT4D scalable and sustainable solutions across various value chain levels. Identify strategies that integrate ICT4D and responsibly leverage digital platforms to improve access to market for smallholder farmers through the provision of reliable information and quality inputs to improve value chain efficiency. Examine current case studies and best practices of digital platforms for smallholder farmers. The course is comprised of five modules: Module 1: Introduction to Applications of ICT4D in Agriculture: Value Chains, Market Access, and Bundled Services Module 2: Application of Digital Services to Enhance Market-Oriented Production Module 3: Application of digital solutions in horizontal linkages Module 4: Application of digital solutions in vertical linkages This module will look at digital technology applications in vertical linkages with a focus on use cases that are applying technology in a cross-cutting way to enable vertical integration. It will look at the role of logistics and warehousing (including cold chains) and role of marketplace platforms in enabling smallholder farmers to trade, transact and access input and output markets through a seamless experience. Module 5: Identifying opportunities and designing solutions This module provides the learner with actionable steps in the application of the lessons learnt in the three previous submodules. It allows the user to gain practical understanding of key actions that they can take to apply ICT4D in designing programmes. It will enable them to understand how to identify opportunities, identify use cases and design practical ICT4D solutions within value chains.
This module will briefly introduce the course, its purpose, and overall structure.
This module will look at the role of technology in enhancing smallholder farmer production and how organizations are applying different technologies to increase the market-responsiveness of farmers and enhance efficiency in production. It will look into the role of data and intelligence, understand the nature of farmer data and how this can be applied to support farmers. Finally, it will look into how platform models are being applied across various value chain functions and how different platforms are engaging smallholder farmers.
This module will look at digital technology application in horizontal linkages with a focus on use cases that are applying technology along various sections of value chains. It will allow the learner to understand the application of ICT4D in enabling product and service delivery, information exchange and delivery of advisory services, financial services, and payments. The learner will also get to understand the concept of bundling, how it has been used to bring multiple applications under one roof and why it is an efficient concept in driving synergies and farmer impact.
- Vendor
- Version
- 1.0
- Available language(s)
- English (UK)
- Topic(s)
- IFAD Operations Academy
Online CourseICT4D in Agriculture: Value Chains, Market Access, and Bundled Services Duration: 2 h.