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سلسلة البحوث في الصندوق 92: التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ في منطقة شرق أفريقيا والجنوب الأفريقي: حالة اقتصادية لقطاع الزراعة والحراجة واستخدام الأراضي

يوليو 2023

هذا التقرير هو دليل لتوجيه الاستثمارات من قبل الصندوق والمانحين الدوليين الآخرين في أعمال التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ في منطقة شرق وجنوب أفريقيا.

ممارسات التكثيف الزراعي المستدام – أفريقيا الشرقية والجنوبية

مايو 2023

تحدد هذه المذكرة ممارسات الأجهزة العليا للرقابة المالية والمحاسبة المنفذة في 17 دولة من شرق وجنوب إفريقيا وتوصي بأفضل الأساليب لتعزيز الأجهزة العليا للرقابة المالية والمحاسبة في وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية وخارجها.

دعم خدمات الإرشاد لتوسيع نطاق الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي: إمكانات أدوات وطرق الدراسة العالمية لنُهج وتكنولوجيات الحفظ

مارس 2023

يستعرض هذا المنشور الدروس المستفادة من تطبيق النظرة العامة العالمية على أساليب وتقنيات الحفظ (WOCAT) في كمبوديا وجمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية وأوغندا.

Enhancing Engagement of Private Sector and Local Communities on Peatland Management: Innovative Policies and Monitoring System in Indonesia

مارس 2022

This brief describes how an IFAD-GEF project promotes sustainable peatland management, secure carbon stocks, and conservation of biodiversity, while improving the living standards of local communities.

Enhancing women’s resource rights for improving resilience to climate change

نوفمبر 2021

This brief summarizes relevant findings from socio-legal analyses, combining the review of key legal and policy documents and literature on existing barriers to the recognition of women’s land rights.

How to do note: Seeking, free, prior and informed consent in IFAD investment projects

أكتوبر 2021

This note offers practical guidance for IFAD staff, consultants and in-country partners for seeking FPIC in the design and implementation of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, in compliance with IFAD policies and procedures.

Land tenure updates

يونيو 2021

IFAD is committed to promoting secure tenure and equitable rights to, and governance of, land, territories and natural resources, as a central tenet of rural transformation.

التكنولوجيا الجغرافية المكانية والأساليب التشاركية لتأمين حقوق الحيازة

يونيو 2021

يدعم برنامج التعلم المجاني عبر الإنترنت مشاريع الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة والشركاء في إيجاد حلول لضمان حقوق الحيازة من خلال الأساليب التشاركية وتكنولوجيا الجيوماتكس.

Chicken raising to improve the livelihood and living conditions of poor, landless farmers in rural Cambodia

أبريل 2021

More than half of all rural Cambodian households keep poultry. Local bird breeds are the highest in demand in the local market, especially during festivals and celebrations.

How to do note: Access to land for rural youth employment and entrepreneurship

أبريل 2021

This How-to-do Note on access to land for rural youth employment and entrepreneurship complements the Toolkit on land tenure in IFAD-financed operations that highlights the importance of strengthening tenure security for rural development.

Scaling sustainable land management: A collection of SLM technologies and approaches in Northern Uganda and beyond

أغسطس 2020
This collection of data on sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches includes relevant information on different SLM practices, their implementation details, and their ecological and socio-economic benefits and disadvantages.

ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي: أصل محفز للتحول الريفي المستدام والشامل

يوليو 2020
تقدم ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي لمحة عامة عن مشاركة الصندوق في تأمين حيازة الأراضي لفقراء الريف.

Good Practice Brief: Fostering sustainability and resilience for food security in Niger

مارس 2020
This brief highlights a project in Niger that is tackling climate change and land degradation and scaling up sustainable natural resource management for family farming.

Research Series Issue 53: Youth access to land, migration and employment opportunities: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

ديسمبر 2019

This study examines the intersections between youth access to land, migration decisions and employment opportunities in various African countries.

Collection of sustainable land management technologies practices by smallholder farmers in Lao PDR

أغسطس 2019
This collection of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches was compiled as part of the Scaling-up SLM practices by smallholder farmers project funded by IFAD. 

Working towards sustainable land management - A collection of SLM technologies from Cambodia

أغسطس 2019
This collection of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches was compiled as part of the Scaling-up SLM practices by smallholder farmers project funded by IFAD.

Guidelines for Impact Evaluation of Land Tenure and Governance Interventions

أبريل 2019
The overall objective of the Guidelines for Impact Evaluation of Land Tenure and Governance Interventions is to inform and strengthen the design and implementation of future land tenure and governance interventions to best support lasting tenure security and achieve related impacts on poverty, food security, gender equality, environmental sustainability and security. 

Indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources

يوليو 2018

Efforts to expand and strengthen indigenous peoples’ rights over their lands, territories and natural resources have become crucial to achieving the objectives of poverty reduction, more secure livelihoods, environmental sustainability and the preservation of indigenous cultural value systems. With this aim, over the past decades IFAD has worked together with indigenous peoples and their representing institutions to create enabling environments to secure their access to collective rights over ancestral territories, improve the sustainable management of indigenous lands, regulate the community use of natural resources and reduce conflicts over lands and resources.


IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security

مايو 2018
IFAD recognizes the importance of strengthening land tenure security as a key condition to ensure inclusive rural development and poverty eradication. As IFAD does not support stand-alone projects on land tenure, land-related interventions are typically integrated into broader components and activities.

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Asia and the Pacific region

مايو 2018
This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Asia and the Pacific Region (APR).

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