Asset Publisher
Working Group on Performance Based Allocation System - 6th meeting
: اعتماد جدول الأعمال
Agenda Item 3
Working paper: PBAS formula and procedures
Proposing a revised PBAS formula
Agenda Item 4: Other business
Revision to the draft minutes of the fifth meeting of the Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System
Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Performance-Based Allocation System
Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda
Agenda Item 3: PBAS Formula
Working paper: PBAS formula and procedures
Agenda Item 4: Other business
Revision to the draft minutes of the fifth meeting of the Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System
Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Performance-Based Allocation System
Point 2 de l’ordre du jour: Adoption of the agenda
Ordre du jour
Point 3 de l’ordre du jour
Working paper: PBAS formula and procedures
Proposing a revised PBAS formula
PBAS Allocations by scenarios (En anglais seulement)
Agenda Item 4: Other business
Révision du projet de procès-verbal de la cinquième reunion du Groupe de travail sur le Système d’allocation fondé sur la performance
Procès-verbal de la sixième réunion du Groupe de travail sur le Système d’allocation fondé sur la performance
Tema 2 del programa: Adoption of the agenda
Tema 3 del programa
Working paper: PBAS formula and procedures
Proposing a revised PBAS formula
PBAS Allocations by scenarios (Sólo en inglés)
Agenda Item 4: Other business
Revision to the draft minutes of the fifth meeting of the Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System
Minutas de la sexta reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Sistema de Asignación de Recursos basado en los Resultados