“[Food systems] have got to be got right and that’s where IFAD is so important, because it’s a financing institution, because it works at local level, because it’s science-based, and because it’s efficient; it needs to be empowered to do more.”
“Norway is stepping up our efforts. We have launched an action plan for sustainable food systems and we are intensifying and increasing our support for climate adaptation, nutrition and increased food production. In this endeavour, IFAD is a key partner – and as IFAD steps up to reach those furthest behind, both current donors and new donors should step up to make IFAD’s 12th Replenishment a success.”
“IFAD has been instrumental in supporting key processes led by the indigenous people themselves, at both the national and international level, in order to advance the practical operationalization of their rights. Without IFAD’s direct engagement, commitment and financial support, this would never have happened.”
“What is the one institution that the common rural African knows as the face of development in Africa within the span of the international institutions? It is IFAD. If you believe in tackling this challenge, if you believe in making sure that the most vulnerable are taken into account in a bottom-up perspective, if you believe that this challenge – beyond being African – is a global challenge, then IFAD needs to be supported.”
“Through the engagement of IFAD with indigenous peoples, we were able to demonstrate good practices in the implementation of free, prior and informed consent, which has resulted in better implementation of projects, better design, and has been leading to real empowerment and making indigenous peoples also at the centre of decision-making to development issues.”