But don’t just take our word for it. See what our supporters have to say
"IFAD's work to increase farmer’s resilience, as well as access to funding, inputs and fertilizer are the surest way to increase The Gambia’s production and productivity, and place us on a path to food security."
Dr Demba Sabally
Minister of Agriculture, The Gambia
"IFAD's track record of success, its ability to be an assembler of development finance, its commitment to climate finance, and its ability to mobilize resources have made it the partner of choice. Let us rally behind IFAD's 13th Replenishment and recognize the urgency of supporting its mission."
Rania Al-Mashat
Minister of International Cooperation, Egypt
"IFAD is an important ally for rural youth. It supports us in engaging in dialogue with our governments so that they open more services for rural youth and recognise our role as agents of change."
Yeisully Tapias Arcila
Executive Director, Association of Young Entrepreneurs, Colombia
"IFAD is my favourite organization. I hope many more donors will see the importance of what IFAD does because now is the moment not only to step up for food security but also transforming global food systems. Small-scale producers should be at the core of that transition."
Anne Beathe Tvinnereim
Minister of International Development, Norway
"Inclusive rural development and investment in small-scale, climate-resilient agriculture are crucial for combatting today’s global challenges. IFAD is at the forefront of this work."
Margaret Kuhlow
Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Development Finance and Policy, U.S. Treasury
"The world needs to increase its production of food to fulfill growing demand and it needs to do so through inclusive and sustainable food systems. IFAD helps countries feed their people and boost the economic and social development of their rural areas in a sustainable way."
Manuel Nogales
Executive Director, Spanish Agricultural Agency for International Development Cooperation (Acodea)
"It is an imperative for all of us to provide sufficient funding for IFAD. This is in our own interest."
Jochen Flasbarth
State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
"We view IFAD as a strong ally and strategic partner towards increasing our agency to effectively engage governments in policy work and provide effective social and economic services to our members."
Esther Penunia
Secretary General, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development