Our work targets crucial areas to help rural people lead their own development
In 2021, as many as
By 2030, 86% of the world’s extreme poor will live in fragile contexts. To support them, IFAD works with humanitarian partners to complement recovery efforts with resilience building.
Thanks to IFAD11 contributions, 57 million people increased their food security and 62 million people increased their production.
Producing food locally and sustainably increases food security and reduces people’s exposure to global supply chain shocks.
Over 90% of new projects include activities to help people adapt to climate change.
Thanks to IFAD-supported projects in 2021, 600,000 hectares of farmland now have better water infrastructure and climate resilient practices were used on 1.8 million hectares of land.
If women had the same access to resources as men, they could increase yields on their farms by up to a third.
This in turn could reduce the number of hungry people by up to 17%.
That’s why IFAD includes a focus on gender throughout all of its work.
Our world is home to 1.2 billion young people, half of whom live in rural areas.
IFAD-supported projects help young people access the resources they need to be productive and have a positive impact on their communities.
IFAD’s agribusiness hubs draw rural youth into the agriculture sector, securing dynamic rural economic growth in the future.