Man in a field in Nigeria using a mechanical brushcutter rice harveste

The African Agricultural Transformation Initiative

©IFAD/Andrew Esiebo

Alleviating poverty, promoting food security and strengthening climate resilience

The African Agricultural Transformation Initiative (AATI) fosters inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation across Africa by establishing and strengthening national agencies that deliver agricultural transformation policies and programmes. AATI helps governments alleviate rural poverty, improve food security, build climate resilience and promote rural economic growth.

AATI has an Agricultural Transformation Offices in Tanzania and will soon open another in Sierra Leone. We are exploring programmes in Nigeria and are rolling out learnings in other African countries. 

Collaboration is key to the initiative, with governments, private sector and civil society involved to overcome challenges and replicate agricultural transformations achieved elsewhere.

AATI offers different support to countries based on their needs, including:

  • Visioning and strategy
  • Institutional support
  • Flagship implementation and delivery

The initiative is based in Nairobi, Kenya and is co-founded by IFAD, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and McKinsey & Company.

Farmer working on a afforestation program in Kenya

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Safia Boly

Executive Director (AATI)

[email protected]

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