An older man in a turban and younger man in a yellow sweater holding a walk

Our vision


At the International Fund for Agricultural Development, we envisage vibrant, inclusive and sustainable rural communities where people live free from poverty and hunger.  

Three in four of the world's poorest people live in the rural areas of developing countries. Most of them depend on agriculture for their livelihoods – and in turn, produce much of the food we eat. It’s not an easy job.  

Many rural people living in poverty face massive economic, social and environmental challenges – from climate change and food insecurity, to inequality, conflict and lack of access to resources.  

These overlapping problems cannot be solved working alone. As an assembler of development finance, we partner with governments, the private sector, civil society and others to provide grants and concessional and low-interest loans to developing countries. This helps to address critical needs and support rural people as they lead their own development.  

IFAD-supported projects promote prosperity, food security and resilience by connecting rural poor people to the finance, markets, technology and knowledge they need to address their biggest challenges. 

We catalyse public and private investments, advocate for policies that empower rural people and their institutions, and promote innovation in order to achieve lasting, systemic change for rural communities in every region of the world.  

Throughout our work, we emphasize the importance of inclusion and equity, focusing special attention on gender and groups that are often overlooked, like youth, Indigenous Peoples and persons with disabilities. We strive to foster an organizational culture built around these values.   

Furthermore, as a results-driven organization, we conduct rigorous monitoring and evaluation to assess our impact and scale up what we know works. That’s one of the reasons we are a top-rated development organization. 

Our objectives 

IFAD is the only UN agency exclusively dedicated to transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems. We invest in the millions of people who are most at risk of being left behind: poor, small-scale food producers living in rural areas.

We support rural people in some of the most remote and fragile contexts so that they can: 

  • Produce and sell more 

  • Eat more nutritious foods  

  • Manage natural resources well  

  • Earn more money 

  • Access new technologies  

  • Adapt to climate change 

  • Build resilience to economic shocks, conflict and other crises 

Through our investments, we help ensure that rural people lead their own change. 

Bigger, better, smarter 

We periodically update our strategic framework to align our objectives with the evolving global context.

Adopted in 2016, IFAD’s Strategic Framework guides how we will progress toward our vision through 2025. It articulates our contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and outlines how we will work in ways that are bigger, better and smarter.

Bigger, by mobilizing and leveraging greater investment in rural areas.

Better, by strengthening the quality of rural development programmes.

Smarter, by sharpening our efficiency and delivering results in a more cost-effective way. 

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