Young Tajik woman smiles while holding up a plate of rosehips

Non-governmental organizations

© IFAD/ Didor Sadulloev

Partnering with civil society

Working with civil society organizations and NGOs is key to IFAD’s work to reduce global poverty.

We partner with NGOs in a number of ways. At the local level, projects and programmes supported by IFAD often leverage the experience of NGOs and their local knowledge for project implementation. Local NGOs are often able to reach segments of rural populations that government agencies neglect or do not target as a priority.

IFAD also supports NGOs on regional and global advocacy and research initiatives and aims to provide civil society partners with a platform to advocate for poor rural people.

Some examples of IFAD's partnerships with NGOs include working with:

Alitimere Burenitu is a 46 year old farmer from Nalotawa Village, Yakete in Ba, now living in Marinitawa.

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Federica Cerulli Irelli

Chief Partnership Officer, Members Engagement

[email protected] See bio

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