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Group of farmers posing smiling in Nigeria in front of a heap of straw

Producer Organizations

©IFAD/Andrew Esiebo

Mobilizing farmers and producers 

Farmers' and producers' organizations are important institutions that deliver services to their members, facilitate their access to markets, and empower small farmers to engage in policy dialogue. They have a key role to play in ensuring inclusive and sustainable rural transformation at local, national and international levels.

To achieve their full potential farmers' organizations need support. This is why IFAD partners with them. IFAD engages rural producers and their organizations in the design and implementation of our country strategies and projects.

To increase our combined impact, IFAD’s partnerships with farmers' organizations are developed and implemented at different geographical levels, in different ways, and through different instruments.

A man sorts squash at the Nishi warehouse.

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Marco Camagni

Lead Global Technical Specialist (Global), Rural Institutions

[email protected] See bio
Antonella Cianciotta

Technical Specialist (Global), Farmers' Organizations in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP)

[email protected]

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