Man sitting on a trunk under a cocoa tree in Nigeria

UN agencies

©IFAD/Andrew Esiebo

Rome-based Agencies working to achieve long-term sustainable development

IFAD is both a specialized United Nations agency and an international financial institution (IFI). The Fund is systemically partnering with other United Nations development system agencies, in particular with the UN Rome-based agencies – the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – with whom we share a common vision of ending hunger and promoting food security through sustainable agriculture towards the delivery of the 2030 Agenda.

In the context of the overall UN Reform agenda, the repositioning of the United Nations development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, collaboration among the UN Rome-based agencies is a strategic priority for all the three organizations at local, reginal and global levels. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the greatest opportunity ever presented for collaboration, and SDG 2 to end hunger is at the heart of their mandates.

Improving food security, today and in the future

To advance SDG 2, IFAD, FAO and WFP provide financial and technical support to the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which has a unique role as an inclusive, multi-stakeholder platform for inter-governmental deliberations on food security and nutrition.

The three agencies are working together to leverage their mutual comparative advantages and operations to achieve long-term sustainable development in ways that transform people’s lives and improves their food security, today and in the future.

A new emphasis is being placed on collaboration at the country level. Country teams from the three agencies are joining forces with other UN agencies on the elaboration of United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs) that better reflect and align with the 2030 Agenda and collectively contribute to the delivery of development results based on common country analysis, programming and investments.

IFAD has formalised relations with other UN programmes and funds such as the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and UN Women.


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“One thing is to work side by side, another thing is to work hand in hand. ”

Gilbert F. Houngbo former President of IFAD


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