Farmer in Tonga smiles in front of his field

People-centred development 

© IFAD/Barbara Gravelli

Most rural people produce food for a living, yet they are some of hungriest people in the world.

With more investment, they can grow more, sell more, earn more and eat better.  And with almost half the population of developing countries living in rural areas, an investment in them is an investment in a brighter future for everyone.

Why? Because it means less food shortages, conflicts and migration – and more biodiversity protected, lands renewed and people fed.

For rural people, by rural people 

To bring about these changes, increased investments must reach and benefit the right people – and that means putting vulnerable rural people at the heart of development. The more engaged and empowered they are, not just as participants but also as decision-makers, the greater the impact. That's why we take a bottom-up, community-driven approach to transforming rural livelihoods.  

When we design projects, we start by identifying the specific groups our investments will target. Next, working closely with local organizations, we identify their needs, priorities and economic opportunities, and develop interventions that enable them to avail of these opportunities. 

Our projects enhance rural people’s access to essential inputs – land, water, roads, electricity, markets, financial services, advisory services and technology – so that they can thrive. This has a knock-on effect, economically and socially transforming entire communities.   

Focusing on those most in need 

Social and economic inequalities persist or worsen without focused efforts to create opportunities for the poorest and most marginalized people, including women, youth, Indigenous Peoples and persons with disabilities.  

That’s why our project purposefully target these groups so that no one is left behind. 

IFAD focuses on rural people living in poverty, or at risk of falling back into poverty, who have the potential to take advantage of improved opportunities. For those who cannot avail of these opportunities immediately, IFAD promotes a gradual approach to facilitate their access to resources and enable them to benefit from interventions in the future. 

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