IFAD is the world’s fund for transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems.
Simply put, IFAD invests in rural people. We do this by financing programmes, measuring results, innovating and working with rural people themselves.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest.
From building resilience to empowering rural people and protecting the environment, explore our main areas of work.
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Results from Impact Assessments in Uzbekistan, Montenegro and Türkiye
Impact assessments of IFAD-supported projects in Uzbekistan, Montenegro and Türkiye demonstrate improved agricultural productivity and market access.
Enhancing Rural Finance Design and Implementation: Lessons from IFAD’s operations in Egypt
This report analyzes the current state of rural finance in Egypt, a crucial factor in achieving sustainable agricultural development and improving livelihoods.
Technical Brief: Insights from IFAD’s Impact Assessment Data
The vast majority of poor people live rural areas where the poverty rate is three times that of urban areas. Using IFAD11 impact assessment data on 21 projects, this brief provides a descriptive analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of IFAD’s target group.
IFAD Research Series 94: Engaging women in microfinance - a qualitative study of the Programme de Microfinance Rural in Mali
This paper outlines the results of a study on the Programme de Microfinance Rural in Mali. It explores the impacts on agency and use of resources in households, with a focus on the role of gender in addressing these issues.
IFAD Research Series 93: New methods to define and measure rurality in Latin America and their impact on public policies: the cases of Mexico and Panama
This paper outlines two index proposals for defining and measuring rurality: the relative rurality index and the contiguity of areas of similar densities.
The IFAD-GEF Advantage III: An integrated approach for food systems, climate and nature
This third edition of the GEF-IFAD Advantage highlights the partnership's advantages in various domains, including food systems, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and land degradation.
IFAD Research Series 92: Climate Change Mitigation in the East and Southern Africa Region: An Economic Case for the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector
This report is a guide to shape investments by IFAD and other international donors in climate change mitigation actions in the East and Southern Africa region.
IFAD Research Series - Issue 91: Addressing overweight and obesity in LMICs in the realm of rural development and food systems
This paper presents the findings of a literature review of the main drivers of overweight and obesity, described using a food systems framework and illustrated with examples from five countries.
IFAD Research Series No. 90: Rural Transformation, Income Growth and Poverty Reduction by Province in China in the Past Four Decades
China has experienced rapid rural transformation in the past four decades, accompanied by a rise in rural household income and a fall in rural poverty. This paper examines provincial rural transformation and its major outcomes.