IFAD’s procedures on how to integrate social, environmental and climate priorities into our investments.
As we carry out our mission to transform rural economies, there is a risk of environmental, social, health and safety incidents or accidents, particularly when building infrastructure.
IFAD’s Incident Reporting procedure ensures a timely and effective response to any incident or accident that may occur while implementing IFAD-supported projects.
The primary responsibility for successfully managing the incident lies with the borrower, recipient or partner.
When an incident or accident occurs or threatens to occur, the borrower/recipient/partner must notify the Country Director (CD) within two days by submitting an incident form.
The CD then immediately informs the relevant parties, including the Incident Panel. The CD and OPR maintain an incident database and prepare annual reports, which are submitted to Senior Management.
The Incident Panel decides when Root Cause Assessments should be undertaken and reports to Senior Management through the Final Incident Report.
These procedures do not apply to complaints or incidents related to sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, which should be reported to IFAD’s Ethics Office.
Complaints related to fraud, corruption or financial and administrative matters should be reported to IFAD's Office of Audit and Oversight.