IFAD is the world’s fund for transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems.
Simply put, IFAD invests in rural people. We do this by financing programmes, measuring results, innovating and working with rural people themselves.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest.
From building resilience to empowering rural people and protecting the environment, explore our main areas of work.
Wondering how you can help? Explore the many ways to get involved – and then join us!
Opinions & Insights
When it comes to protecting biodiversity, we must all do our part
Biodiversity in all its forms has transformative power – protecting it requires a whole-of-society approach, in which we all play our part.
Nicaragua: Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project
The Adapting to Markets and Climate Change project influenced national policy for early warning and climate information for coffee and cocoa.
Rural Voices
How farmers around the world are protecting nature’s delicate balance – and reaping the rewards
Healthy ecosystems are diverse ecosystems. And at IFAD, we believe that small-scale farmers are amongst the greatest stewards and beneficiaries of biodiversity.
How nature based solutions are transforming lives
Nature-based solutions is a concept that highlights the fact that people can proactively protect, manage or restore natural ecosystems, while significantly contributing to addressing six major challenges: climate change, food security, water security, human health, disaster risk, and social and economic development.
Women are protagonists of change in Nicaragua’s rural areas
One after another, women who received support from the NICAVIDA project, repeat like a mantra: “I’m a protagonist”.
In Nicaragua, coffee and cocoa make life sweeter
NICADAPTA works closely with producer cooperatives to help them sustainably access coffee and cocoa markets. The results are making life not only sweeter, but also better.
Rural women in Latin America take control of food production – and their own development
All across Latin America, rural women are taking charge of their communities’ food production – and their own economic and personal development.
Investing in rural people in Nicaragua
IFAD’s strategy in Nicaragua supports the efforts of farmers’ organizations and the government to increase inclusive growth in the agricultural sector as a vehicle for reducing poverty, generating employment and improving family food consumption, as well as contributing to sustainability and the replication of good practices. The strategic objectives centre on: • Inclusion. Access is facilitated to assets, markets and income-generating activities, and job opportunities increase. • Productivity. Labour productivity is increased through incentives that facilitate access to information, technology and technical and financial services. • Sustainability. Environmental, fiscal and institutional sustainability are improved.
ASAP Nicaragua factsheet
NICADAPTA will improve incomes and quality of life for rural families – and reduce their vulnerability to the impact of climate change – by facilitating access to markets for valueadded coffee and cocoa. It will introduce water efficiency and crop diversification measures such as coffee-cocoa intercropping in coffee plantations to buffer the effects of rising temperatures.