IFAD is the world’s fund for transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems.
Simply put, IFAD invests in rural people. We do this by financing programmes, measuring results, innovating and working with rural people themselves.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest.
From building resilience to empowering rural people and protecting the environment, explore our main areas of work.
Wondering how you can help? Explore the many ways to get involved – and then join us!
Results from Impact Assessments in Uzbekistan, Montenegro and Türkiye
Impact assessments of IFAD-supported projects in Uzbekistan, Montenegro and Türkiye demonstrate improved agricultural productivity and market access.
Closing the rural gender gap
In this episode, you’ll hear from the winners of this year’s IFAD Gender Awards and learn how they're building a prosperous, more gender-equal future for farming.
Press release
19 March 2024
IFAD and Montenegro sign financing agreement to support climate adaptation in Northern mountainous areas
Amid growing climate challenges in Montenegro, IFAD signed an agreement with the Government of Montenegro to finance the Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience in the Montenegrin Mountain Areas project (GORA). The project aims to support small-scale farmers and rural communities to cope with the effects of a changing climate.
Rural Voices
Champions of change: Meet the winners of the 2024 IFAD Gender Awards
Visit the five inspiring winners of this year’s Gender Awards and find out how they’re addressing the harmful practices, social norms and economic disparities that keep women from achieving their potential.
Promoting youth engagement in Northern Montenegro
This policy brief, based on the lessons and experience of the Rural Clustering and Transformation Project in Montenegro, describes how engaging youth in agriculture requires an enabling environment.
Women transforming rural areas in Northern Montenegro
Montenegro’s Rural Clustering and Transformation Project highlights the imperative of integrating rural women into decision-making processes at all levels. This policy brief underscores the importance of enhancing rural women's education, training and job access.
In rural Montenegro, women gather to share their successes
In north-eastern Montenegro, an IFAD-funded project is helping women start their own businesses and gain greater representation in their communities. Recently, many of these women gathered to share their successes and teach and learn from each other.
A win-win partnership is boosting small farmer milk production in remote Montenegro
It’s six o’clock in Mojkova, in Montenegro and a long working day starts for Sladan Minic. It is an early wintry morning, and Sladan starts to collect milk from the local dairy farmers driving around mountainous roads.