IFAD is the world’s fund for transforming agriculture, rural economies and food systems.
Simply put, IFAD invests in rural people. We do this by financing programmes, measuring results, innovating and working with rural people themselves.
Spanning five regions and 92 countries, IFAD works where poverty and hunger are deepest.
From building resilience to empowering rural people and protecting the environment, explore our main areas of work.
Wondering how you can help? Explore the many ways to get involved – and then join us!
Opinions & Insights
With new geospatial tools, mapping environmental impact is as easy as ABC
Launched this year by the IFAD-hosted Agri-PBD Platform, the ABC-Map uses satellite data to get a holistic view of environmental impact without requiring any ground data.
What are Public Development Banks? Your questions answered
Public Development Banks are a crucial but often underappreciated force driving global change for the better. As the world confronts compounding crises, we deep dive into PDBs and why they matter for rural people.
Press release
19 October 2021
Ahead of global climate talks, public development banks join forces to boost investments in sustainable food systems
Responding to an urgent call to increase financing for the world’s poorest farmers who are hardest hit by climate change, a group of Public Development Banks (PDBs) stepped up their commitment to accelerate green investments in agriculture during today’s Finance in Common Summit.