Call for proposals | 17 June 2019

Call for proposals: Grant to implement Capacity Building Programme

This Call for Proposals is intended to identify the recipient of a three year grant financed by The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for a total amount of up to US$ 3.0 Million to implement a Capacity Building Programme to improve financial management in selected IFAD-financed projects.

Activities to be implemented include the promotion of best practices in the financial management of IFAD-funded projects such as the adoption of international accounting and reporting standards.

The goal of the Programme is to enhance the financial management risk profile of IFAD-funded projects and thereby improve efficiency, value-for-money, funds-flow, accounting and reporting arrangements.

The recipient, to be competitively selected, must be an international expert organization in financial management, with implementation experience in developing countries and a track record of collaboration with IFIs/UN/EU or similar agencies.

How to submit a proposal:

  1. Prepare a project proposal, to be submitted using the IFAD Grant Design Document template. The proposal must be aligned with the Concept Note and Additional Information provided;
  2. Applicants' self-certification of eligibility for IFAD grant financing, duly filled in; and
  3. A brief institutional profile, detailing experience in the area and specific theme outlined in the Grant Concept Note.

Deadline to receive proposals is 22 July 2019, 23:59 CET. All proposals and communications should be submitted via email exclusively to [email protected].

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