This is a Call for Proposals to identify the recipient of a three-year grant financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for a total amount of up to US$ 3 Million.
One of the key challenges facing agricultural development efforts in the Central Africa region is access to quality seed, which is the most critical factor for improving agricultural sector productivity. Cassava and maize are by far the most important food crops in Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and Cameroon. Access to cassava and maize quality planting material and seed remains a great challenge for smallholder farmers in the region, despite investment in breeding and extension networks. Currently, the low adoption rates of improved varieties, low volumes of sales of quality seeds, and the low rate at which farmers report sourcing seed from regulated seed channels in Central Africa suggest that there is significant space for growth. The seed sector is lacking financial, human and material resources at the research level in order to assure the maintenance of varieties in acceptable condition to guarantee the production of quality pre-basic and basic seeds in sufficient quantities.
The overall goal of SISCA, is to enhance reliable access of SHF to quality cassava planting material and maize seed of superior varieties at the right time and at an affordable price through piloting and expanding inclusive seed business models and seed partnerships in the target countries.
Through this call for proposals, IFAD will contribute to promote access of SHF (female and male), in a sustainable way, to quality seeds through the expansion of a private sector-led seed sector. SISCA will contribute to IFAD’s updated strategy and enhance SHF productivity and income.
The following outcomes are expected;
- At least 40% increase in the utilization of improved varieties of cassava and maize;
- Release of high yielding and market-demand varieties of cassava and maize;
- Operationalized PPP in the seed sector;
- Capacity of private seed enterprises developed through business and technical development services;
- 50% of seed enterprises will be owned by youth, men and women;
- Improved seed regulation and certification standards.
How to submit a proposal:
In order to submit your proposal, please review the letter of invitation. Your submission in pdf format will include:
- Project proposal, submitted using the grant Design Document template (with annexes); not exceeding 20 pages
- A detailed budget according to the template provided
- Applicants' self-certification of eligibility for IFAD grant financing, duly filled in;
- Applicant's self-assessment financial management questionnaire (FMAQ) duly filled in and
- A brief institutional profile, detailing experience in the priority area and specific theme outlined in the Grant Concept Note, and in the region/country(ies) where the grant would be implemented.
Eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals and confirm their participation to [email protected].
Kindly note that the deadline for submitting your application is 18 September 2019. Proposals submitted after this deadline will be considered ineligible.
Requests for clarifications related to the bidding process can be sent to [email protected] during the first two weeks of the submission period i.e., up until September 4. IFAD will not address requests for clarifications received after this deadline.