Call for proposals | 13 August 2019

Call for proposals: Grant to support family farming, regional markets and cross border trade corridors (FARM-TRAC) in the Sahel

This is a Call for Proposals to identify the recipient of a three-year grant financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for a total amount of up to US$ 3.5 Million.

Regional integration and cross-border trade linkages across the Sahel are instrumental in having functional and integrated value chains in the region. It is estimated that the Sahel region roughly meets 2/3 of its needs in food through local production. Food loss is high due to lack of processing and difficulties to match production supply with market demands. In addition, rural and market infrastructures are poor, and public policies, the business environment and investments are not supporting the private sector (from producers to transportation to traders until final consumers).

Through this call for proposals, IFAD will contribute to promote an inclusive territorial development approach to generate sustainable economic and social growth, support job creation for women and youth, improved nutrition, and climate-resilient agricultural technologies in the West and Central Africa region, and in particular in countries in the Sahel.

The following outcomes are expected:

  • Better value added (transformation/processing/trading) given to products by improving marketing and logistic of existing semi-wholesale markets and of regional cross-border trade corridors;
  • Increase in volume and efficiency of traded products with reductions in transaction costs;
  • Jobs and wealth creation for women and young people along the enhanced value chain.

How to submit a proposal:

In order to submit your proposal, please review the letter of invitation. Your submission in pdf format will include:

  • Project proposal, submitted using the grant Design Document template (with annexes); not exceeding 20 pages
  • A detailed budget according to the template provided
  • Applicants' self-certification of eligibility for IFAD grant financing, duly filled in;
  • Applicant's self-assessment financial management questionnaire (FMAQ) duly filled in and
  • A brief institutional profile, detailing experience in the priority area and specific theme outlined in the Grant Concept Note, and in the region/country(ies) where the grant would be implemented.

Eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals and confirm their participation to [email protected].

DEADLINE EXTENSION: Kindly note that the deadline for submitting your application is 23 September 2019, at 23:59 GMT+1. Proposals submitted after this deadline will be considered ineligible.

Requests for clarifications related to the bidding process can be sent to [email protected] during the first two weeks of the submission period i.e., up until 31 August 2019. IFAD will not address requests for clarifications received after this deadline.

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