Call for Proposals: Scaling up renewable energy technologies in agriculture - IFAD
The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to identify the recipient of a three-year grant financed by IFAD of a total of US$2 million to implement the Scaling up Renewable Energy Technologies in Agriculture project.
The main goal of this project is to promote the inclusion of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) in existing IFAD projects and programmes in the Latin America and Caribbean by successfully supporting the implementation of RETs in agriculture in benefit of smallholder farmers, producers, associations and members of medium enterprises. As a result, the grant will create new opportunities to promote sustainable production with increased efficiency and reduced energy costs, resulting in lower environmental impacts of agricultural practices and enhancing community resilience.
The recipient can be an inter-governmental organization (including UN agencies and CGIAR centres), a civil society organization (including NGOs ), an academic/research institution or a private sector entity. In case of a consortium, an organization can join more than one consortium but can be leading only in one of them. The recipient must demonstrate a strong focus, experience and expertise in disability-inclusive approaches.
The selected organization or consortium must have:
- Strong technical experience in RETs applied in the agricultural sector.
- Proven experience developing micro financing schemes.
- Proven experience mobilizing additional resources and/or the capacity to provide its own resources.
- Presence and experience in the LAC region.
- Proven experience analysing best practices and developing case studies and trainings.
- Be open to possible cooperation with partner institutions in the region.
How to submit a proposal
In order to submit your proposal, please review the letter of invitation. Your submission in pdf format will include:
- Project proposal submitted using the grant Design Document template (with annexes), not exceeding 20 pages.
- A detailed budget according to the template provided.
- Applicants’ self-certification of eligibility for IFAD grant financing, duly filled in.
- Applicants’ self-assessment financial management questionnaire (FMAQ) duly filled in.
- A brief institutional profile, detailing experience in the priority area and specific theme outlines in the Grant Concept Note, and in the region/country(ies) where the grant would be implemented.
Eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals and confirm their participation to Ana Elena Ventura, [email protected], with copy to Oliver Page, [email protected], Rene Castro Cordero, [email protected], and Maria Elena Mangiafico, [email protected].
Deadline: The deadline for submitting your application has been extended from 30 March 2020 to 30 April 2020 at 17:00 CET, in response to the current global situation with COVID-19. Proposals submitted after this deadline will be considered ineligible.
Additionally, the deadline to submit questions related to the bidding process has also been extended from 23 March 2020 to 24 April 2020 at 17:00 CET. Questions must be sent to the e-mail addresses indicated above. IFAD will not address requests for clarifications received after this deadline.