Call for proposals | 4 February 2019

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility: Second Call for Proposals – Extended Deadline

Media contact
Ama Brandford-Arthur

Senior Partnership Officer, South-South and Triangular Cooperation

[email protected]

IFAD is pleased to announce the launch of the second call for proposals for projects to be funded by the China-IFAD SSTC Facility, after a successful first round which led to the approval of eight project proposals. In this second call, IFAD is looking forward to applications from a broad range of institutions, agencies and civil society organizations.

Established in February 2018, the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility is the first Facility in IFAD dedicated to SSTC. Its goal is to exchange expertise, knowledge and resources, and promote business-to-business links and investments across developing countries, with the broad aim of enhancing agricultural productivity, incomes, and livelihoods of poor people living in rural areas.

The Facility's Strategic Guidance Note 2018-2019. In line with the Facility's Implementation Guidelines, a Strategic Guidance Note (SGN) was issued to guide the preparation of proposals to access the resources from the Facility. The SGN outlines the process for the preparation of proposals, the priority areas for funding, eligibility, timelines, and related information. Additionally, proposals with components and activities with innovative approaches and mechanisms to promote rural transformation will be favourably considered. A revised version of the SGN has been released and is available below

Timelines and process. All proposals must be submitted through an IFAD division, in accordance with the SGN, to the Global Engagement and Multilateral Relations Division in IFAD by 10 May 2019, 11.59 PM (CET).

All proposals should be sent by email to [email protected]. The specific process for screening of the proposals including the final approval by the Chinese Ministry of Finance may be seen in paragraphs 21-23 of the Implementation Guidelines. In accordance with the screening and approval process, it is anticipated that the funds for all approved projects will be made available by September 2019.

Mandatory documents. In order for an application to be considered valid, the following documents should be submitted:

a. Project proposal: applicants must use the template provided here. The overall proposal shall not exceed 10 pages, not including annexes;

b. Activity-based budget: the submission must also include the full activity-based budget as a separate document;

c. Results management framework: this template must be completed and submitted together with the project proposal.

Kindly indicate clearly the Project Leader's name and contact details (section 2) as well as any other relevant contact persons (section 3) in the project proposal template. Please note that the Project Leader must be an IFAD Staff Member.

Should the above documents or information be missing, the proposal will be ineligible.

Should a proposal be submitted by an external organization in partnership with an IFAD Division, the following additional information will be required:

d. Audited financial statements from the last two years; and

e. Evidence of the legal status not older than 90 days (copy of the registration of the organization).


For any further information or clarifications, please contact Ama Brandford-Arthur (SSTC Unit Coordinator and China-IFAD SSTC Facility Manager), [email protected].

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