Call for proposals | 28 August 2020

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility: Third Call for Proposals

Media contact
Ama Brandford-Arthur

Senior Partnership Officer, South-South and Triangular Cooperation

[email protected]

Established in February 2018, the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility pursues the overarching objective of mobilizing knowledge, technologies and resources from the Global South to accelerate rural poverty alleviation, enhance rural productivity, and advance rural transformation. The Facility is pleased to announce the launch of the third call for proposals.

Priority areas for funding

As part of IFAD’s strategic response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Facility will support the generation and exchange of innovative solutions, approaches and methodologies that can be of value in the post-COVID-19 recovery period, and that can be subsequently scaled up and benefit a wider population of poor rural people. The four main areas for financing in this call will include:

  1. Strengthening the capacities of farmers and their organizations to enhance resilience against disasters, including establishing fast-maturing alternative agricultural and rural enterprises, maintaining and producing sufficient and high quality yields.
  2. Facilitating access to markets in conditions of specific barriers in a given context, including facilitating safe and hygienic transport, and working to ensure markets remain open and that demand remains high.
  3. Delivering up-to-date agriculture-related information to smallholder producers on production, weather, market prices and other important areas in rural areas through digital services.
  4. Building trade capacities through provision of technologies and services that enable smallholder producers to meet quality and sanitary standards of overseas markets.

Guiding principles for preparing the proposals

A Strategic Guidance Note (SGN) has been provided to guide the preparation of proposals for funding from the Facility. High priorities shall be placed on national ownership and leadership, development of local capacity, and inclusive participation. Project proposals are to emerge from the dialogue with national governments or local counterparts, and reflect the priorities of the COVID-19 response package of national governments. Above all, the proposals shall be prominent on innovative features and reflect south-south and triangular cooperation by ensuring collaboration among countries and regions.

We particularly encourage applications from developing countries who are most affected by COVID-19.

In accordance with the SGN, project proposals should be submitted through an IFAD division to the Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR) in IFAD.

All the mandatory documents listed below must be sent by email to [email protected] by 11.59 PM (CET) on 31 October 2020.

Mandatory application documents

  1. Project proposal: using the template provided here. The proposal shall not exceed 3500 words, excluding annexes and pre-filled sections. Please note that the Project Leader must be an IFAD staff member.
  2. One-page project summary: using the template provided here.
  3. Activity-based budget: includes the full budget, summary budget and budget by categories, using the template provided here. The financial limits indicated in the template will be strictly enforced.
  4. Results Measurement Framework: using the template provided here.
  5. Written confirmation, by email, from the national government or the local counterpart to confirm their agreement with the proposal including the budget.
  6. Written confirmation, by email, from the respective Regional or Division Director to confirm his/her agreement with submitting the proposal and providing necessary budget support to the project supervision.
  7. Copy of the registration certificate of the recipient organization.
  8. Audited financial statements of the recipient organization from the last two years.

Should any of the above documents or information be missing or received after the above submission deadline, the proposal will be considered ineligible.


For any further information or clarifications, please contact Ama Brandford-Arthur ([email protected]) and Miaochang Deng ([email protected]).

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