Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan
Through its Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan.
IFAD’s multi-donor Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic to:
Either individual proposals for the Kyrgyz Republic, or regional proposals covering one or more Central Asian countries –Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan– are eligible.
Interested applicants may present project proposals that respond to at least one of the four PRIME Central Asia objectives specified below:
Objective 1: Accelerate the full use of digital products and the digital payments ecosystem to support international remittances received.
Objective 2: Enhance the availability of financial products adapted to the needs of rural and most vulnerable remittance recipients.
Objective 3: Enhance knowledge and confidence of remittance senders and receivers towards digital and financial products through targeted, cost-effective education programs.
Objective 4: Sustainable reintegration of returnees measured by levels of economic self-sufficiency, social stability, and psychosocial well-being that make their further migration decisions a matter of choice, rather than necessity.
For more information on the proposal and how to apply, see the attached documents “Call for proposal”, available in Russian and English.