Policies and Criteria for IFAD Financing - IFAD
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Policies and Criteria for IFAD Financing
The Lending Policies and Criteria were adopted by the Governing Council at its Second Session on 14 December 1978.
At its Thirty-Sixth Session on 14 February 2013 (Resolution 178/XXXVI), the Governing Council adopted a revised version of the Lending Policies and Criteria, which is now renamed as “Policies and Criteria for IFAD financing”.
They were amended by the Governing Council at its Forty-First Session on 14 February 2018 (Resolution 198/XLI).
They were amended by the Governing Council at its Forty-Second Session on 15 February 2019 (Resolution 207/XLII).
They were amended by the Governing Council at its Forty-Fourth Session on 18 February 2021 (Resolution 221/XLIV).
In 2022, the Policies and Criteria for IFAD Financing (PCIF) were amended to reflect changes required to give effect to the second mechanism to access IFAD borrowed resources, the Borrowed Resource Access Mechanism (BRAM) and Updates to Financing Conditions, and to reflect efforts to streamline the PCIF and ensure it remains a high-level, principles-based document.