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Corporate Document | 2 August 2021

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

This new ERM Policy is an essential component in the development and maintenance of sound ERM practices. It establishes the Fund’s risk management structure and sets out the minimum requirements and expectations for the active management of risk in IFAD’s operations.

This ERM Policy establishes a formal, systematic and integrated, principles-based approach to identifying, managing and monitoring risks in IFAD. It defines the key roles and responsibilities of ERM stakeholders, and is based on a comprehensive enterprise risk taxonomy.

IFAD’s Office of Enterprise Risk Management (RMO), led by the Director and Chief Risk Officer (CRO), is responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of the ERMF. This includes operationalizing the ERM Policy through development of frameworks, operational guidelines, and/or training to embed the ERM Policy and its principles throughout IFAD, as well as oversight of business line implementation of risk management measures.

This ERM Policy supersedes and replaces IFAD’s existing 2008 Policy on Enterprise Risk Management. It serves as an umbrella for all other frameworks, codes and operational guidelines related to ERM.
