Corporate Document | 10 November 2019

Revised Operational Guidelines on Targeting

The 2019 Revised Operational Guidelines on Targeting operationalize the 2006 targeting policy while reflecting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the "leaving no one behind" (LNOB) principle and the commitments of the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD11).

While IFAD recognizes that there may be a need to update its targeting policy, the current priority is to provide guidelines to help address emerging issues on targeting during IFAD11.

In the context of IFAD11, emphasis is placed on the LNOB principle, which is central to IFAD’s mandate "to invest in rural people to enable them to overcome poverty and achieve food security through remunerative, sustainable and resilient livelihoods".

IFAD is committed to engaging more fully in national policy processes in order to tailor country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs) and projects to the specific conditions and priorities of partner countries. In-country targeting will play an important role in its engagement as governments arrive at decisions regarding the most appropriate combination of targeted rural development and investment policies and social
protection policies to foster an inclusive and sustainable rural transformation. Synergies between these two policy strands will be fostered whenever possible.