Corporate Document | 30 July 2019

Republic of Cameroon Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2019-2024

This country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) reflects the Government’s intention to reduce rice and fish imports, which represent more than one third of the trade deficit and 4 per cent of GDP. It will also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those related to the eradication of poverty and hunger, gender equality and employment.

In addition, the strategy aims to sustainably increase the income security and the food and nutrition security of the rural poor and to create jobs, particularly for women and youth.

The programme’s overarching goal is divided into three strategic objectives:

  1. Sustainably increase the productivity and production of smallholdings and rural enterprises;
  2. Increase the income and other benefits derived by poor rural populations from market participation; and
  3. Strengthen the sector’s capacity for coordination, policy dialogue and results management.

The COSOP will cover the seven regions in which IFAD is already operating (i.e., the three poorest regions and the Centre, Littoral, West and South regions). The latter have young populations and are the site of a number of key value chains. The poorest households will be given priority in targeting.

IFAD will pay particular attention to nutrition, gender, climate change and youth. It will keep the focus on young men and women and on strengthening their leadership role in the promotion of rural youth entrepreneurship. The COSOP includes a cofinancing partnership with the Global Environment Facility.
