Corporate Document | 9 May 2019

Gambia (The): Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

The COSOP will cover the period 2019-2024 and be anchored to the National Development Plan (NDP) 2017-2020. The NDP envisions a transition to a green economy driven by small and medium-sized sector investment, and delivering sustainable and inclusive benefits through the involvement of youth and women as key economic actors.

The use of climate-smart agricultural technologies figures prominently in the NDP as do innovative technologies to increase labour productivity and decrease menial labour, particularly for women. The Plan underlines the importance of improved relations with Senegal and other regional states and development partners.

The COSOP has two strategic objectives:

  • Enhance the productivity and resilience of family farms through sustainable management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change, with a focus on youth and gender impacts
  • Improve the management capacity and inclusiveness of professional farmers’ organizations/cooperatives, and enhance farmers’ access to communal assets, markets, and profitable agricultural value chains

