India: Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2018-2024 - IFAD
The results-based country strategic opportunities programme (RB-COSOP) has evolved through a two-year-long engagement with the Government of India and other stakeholders. It reflects the ambitious development agenda set by the Government and the rising aspirations of a rural community in a state of rapid transition.
The COSOP design takes into consideration the learning and recommendations of the 2016 country programme evaluation (CPE), building on programme successes while seeking to exploit opportunities for impact at scale.
The overarching goal for the IFAD country programme in India from 2018 to 2024 is to maximize IFAD’s contribution to the Government strategy for doubling farmers’ income by 2022. To this end, the country programme has a single, focused strategic objective (SO): Smallholder food and agricultural production systems are remunerative, sustainable and resilient.
All IFAD activities – lending and non-lending – will contribute to its achievement.