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Corporate Document | 22 March 2021

Nepal Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2021-2026

The overarching goal of the COSOP is accelerated recovery and sustainable improvement of the incomes and nutrition of small-scale producers and the rural poor through market participation and increased climate resilience facilitated by accountable local institutions.

Strategic objectives are:

  1. Accelerated inclusive and sustainable rural economic growth and recovery through greater market participation;
  2. Improved resilience of rural communities to the impacts of climate change and to economic and other shocks; and
  3. Strengthened rural and community institutions to effectively meet development needs under the decentralized federal system.

Primary target groups are small-scale producers and workers in rural communities. The programme aims for at least 50 per cent of beneficiaries to be women and 30 per cent to be youth. A secondary target group will be producer organizations and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises active in supported supply chains.
