Corporate Document | 16 March 2021

Republic of Uganda Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2021–2027

The COSOP's overall goal is to contribute to the transformation of rural Uganda, through enhancing sustainable growth, productivity and competitiveness in selected value chains with high potential for including and enabling smallholders to increase their incomes, improve their livelihoods and overcome poverty on a sustainable basis.

It is expected that the country programme will benefit 445,000 smallholder households (2.4 million people) of which 1.2 million are expected to be women and 500,000 youth. IFAD’s new business model embeds the lessons learned from COVID-19 to ensure that beneficiaries can sustain progress achieved and build back better, stronger and more resilient livelihoods.

The COSOP will pursue three interdependent strategic objectives (SOs) aimed at ensuring the inclusion of women, youth, nutrition and climate change adaptation measures, and at contributing directly to the SDGs.

  • SO1: Support increased production, productivity, value addition, competitiveness and inclusion of smallholders within selected value chains (vegetable oil, livestock and aquaculture) that have all been identified as key and listed as priority commodities in the Third National Development Plan.
  • SO2: Strengthen environmental sustainability and climate change resilience of poor rural people’s livelihoods and economic activities.
  • SO3: Enhance sustainable livelihood development for marginalized and poor households, especially women and youth.
