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US$ 345.28 million
Total Project Cost
US$ 204.27 million
Total IFAD financing

The Context

Bolivia’s average GDP has grown about 3.5 per cent over the last decade thanks to investments in health, education, rural infrastructure and social security. While the standard of living has improved for many, rural people, who make up almost a third of the population, are not fully benefitting from this economic development.

Bolivia has one of the highest rates of extreme poverty in South America, which is concentrated in rural areas. Almost half the rural population live in moderate poverty and 23 per cent in extreme poverty.

Rural people face several challenges, including high levels of migration, lack of access to land, reduced productivity, fragmented land tenure and climate change.

While family agriculture makes up to 88 per cent of Bolivia’s essential food basket, increased industrial farming is threatening the sustainability of family farming, while imported foods gain popularity.

Rural development also faces major environmental challenges from increased pressure on natural resources, deforestation, deteriorating soils and water contamination.

The Strategy

IFAD supports pro-family farming policies and programmes that aim to ensure national food security and inclusive, sustainable rural transformation.

Activities are targeted towards disadvantaged groups and include:

  • developing the technical and business skills of rural organizations;

  • introducing innovations to add value to agricultural products;

  • facilitating public-private partnerships that help smallholder producers gain access to markets;

  • building capacities of authorities to better plan and invest in resilience; and

  • promoting the use of traditional knowledge and innovative practices to sustainably manage natural resources.

Country Facts

  • Poverty declined from 60 per cent in 2005 to 36 per cent in 2021.
  • Bolivia has the highest prevalence of hunger in South America. In 2019,
  • 16 per cent of children under the age of 5 were chronically malnourished.

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Rima Alcadi

Country Director

[email protected]
Frederico Lacerda

Programme Officer

[email protected]
Ana Lucia Llerena

Communications Analyst, Latin America and the Caribbean

[email protected]

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